Chapter 2

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The bakers had been traveling for quite some time for a new bunker, recently after they have been ratted out and left before guards stormed it. They had been traveling for days until they came across an old country house in the middle of nowhere. With the nearest neighbor 100 miles away, they made their move.

The wooden door busted open as Pinkie, Inkie, Blinkie, Minkie, Derpy, Applebloom, and Babs rushed in and knocked out the stallion; whom was sitting in his chair listening to the radio. A pink unicorn mare emerged from the cellar door when Inkie hit her head.

The mare landed on the floor with a thud, " well, that was easy" Inkie smirked as the earth pony stallion came to. "Ugh, what happened?" Pinkie and the others chuckled as soon as the look of confusion turned into terror. "Baby! Your horn!" The unicorn mare awoke as Pinkie snapped off her horn in one swift movement.

'Baby' screamed in agony, causing the Stallion to squirm in his binds. Blinkie turned to Minkie before saying in a low voice, " we should check the house for any unexpected guests." Minkie nodded as both split ways, with Blinkie checking upstairs and with Minkie checking the cellar.

The cellar reeked with bodily odor and rot, as Minkie descended the cold stone steps. She noticed the tools and smiled menacingly at the thought of what was soon going to be delivered. Minkie soon noticed the metal door,  ominously hanging next to it were a set of keys with the door unlocked; Minkie shrugged and opened the door cautiously.

As soon as the door opened a wave of the odor attacked Minkie's nose, Minkie couldn't help but wonder what was down the ramp, when she noticed the cleaning supplies and the box of donuts. But as soon as she was near the floor, she froze. In the shadows it would be very hard to tell; if not for the sharp gasp and the shuffling in the shadows. Minkie's eyes had adjusted to the darkness, recognizing the shape to be a foal. The sound of metal clanking suggested heavily the filly was chained. 

Tears welled up as each horrific memory flashed through her mind causing her to let out a pitched horrified and yet angry scream, causing the foal to cover her ears and squeak. Hooves were immediately heard pounding through the hallway as Pinkie and Derpy entered the room only to be in the same state of shock as Minkie was. By now the mare was sobbing, the high pitched sobs echoing the walls of the room. 

Derpy trotted over to the small figure, she crouched to her level before asking "Are you okay?" there was no answer but more shuffling as the foal backed up, frightened at the stranger's sudden burst of loud noise. Suddenly Minkie ran outside, clanking of keys were heard for a moment before Minkie rushed back in the prison. Pinkie nodded her head and approached the filly. 

Pinkie held the frightened foal while Minkie undid the locks, gritting her teeth and cursing to herself in anger. Whoever did this were certainly going to die, undoing the chains the mares ushered the foal out of the concrete prison where she was kept. Red and swollen eyes of the mares left the basement with a scared and confused filly, Pinkie doing her best to assure the filly she was going to be okay. 

"Coal Dust! Quick grab the gun! These are bad mares!" Her mother quickly shouted out towards the filly causing cold menace filled green eyes to turn on the pink unicorn mare. The foal backed herself into the kitchen before running to the nearest cupboard to hide. Minkie approached the mare, each step presenting the vibe of somepony not to mess with. 

"You did this didn't you?" Minkie's soft voice, breaking the dead silence. The unicorn mare spat "Why the h-hell do you care?" a hoof landed near the mare's head, making a hole into the wooden barrier. "Why do i care? WHY IN THE LIVING FUCK DO I CARE?" Blinkie approach, her demeaner the same as her sister's. "What kind of parent locks their child in a prison, monsters thats what." 

Derpy, who earlier crouched near the cupboards walked over. "Derpy not likes the fact foal was locked up, Minkie's parents locked her up!" The stallion muttered, but not quietly enough for Inkie to catch what he was saying. "Are you kidding me?!? Saying Minkie deserved what she got?" Minkie snapped her head in his direction and growled, slowly removing her hoof from the newly made hole. 

"And what made you think either me and Coal Dust deserved it?" turning her head to the cross that hung over the fireplace, "Was it you didn't care for her? too lazy to make anything worthwhile in your life? nonono.. IT CERTAINLY WASN'T THE FACT YOU WERE OVERLY RELIGIOUS RIGHT?" Grabbing the cross with her free hoof and tossing it into the flames before taking the other that held tongs that soon picked up the flaming hot metal. 

"So what was it?" she asked stiffly, "what made you do it? there is never a right answer." 

Time went on as the screams continued, Derpy had managed to coax the foal out of her hiding place when the entire ordeal was over. Few things went as followed cupcake baking, a bath, and disposing of the corpses. Minkie by now, "calmed" after the raging storm began sitting near the foal. Coal Dust wasn't sure of what happened, but it didn't sound good. 

The mares didn't look like bad ponies, they were good ponies.. right?

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