Chapter 7

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Coal Dust, ever since being taken out of her hell hole of a home, had always been curious about "The Basement" every time they moved, there was always either "the shed" or "the basement", and every time she wasn't allowed inside. At least that's what Minkie said, The others not so much until this morning. Coal Dust couldn't help but be curious about what was inside. 

Coal Dust was about to put her hoof on the door when it opened to reveal Derpy, "Oh hi little Minkie!" Derpy smiled stepping out as Coal heard metal clanking down the stairs. Derpy rubbed her hooves against a napkin as Coal dust stood shyly. "Is there something wrong Coal Dust" Coal Dust shook her head. Derpy thought for a moment before it clicked "Did you want to go into the basement?" 

Coal Dust nodded causing Derpy to block the door. Coal Dust cocked her head "Sorry Coal Dust i promised Minkie i wouldn't let you down here, and to make cupcakes." Coal dust furrowed her brow, why wasn't she allowed to make cupcakes?  Derpy caught the expression and leaned to her ear "I would let you down here if I didn't pinkie promise and Minkie was ok with it." 

Coal Dust sighed and walked away, leaving Derpy to shut the door. Derpy remembered Minkie talking to the rest of the Bakers about not letting Coal know, as much as they didn't want to be secretive and keep Coal out of the fun; they agreed.  Derpy watched as Coal dust head into the kitchen, she opened the door and went back downstairs. 

Coal Dust thought to herself on why maybe she wasn't allowed down in the basement, maybe she wasn't old enough. But that was scrapped, Babs and Applebloom were the same age as her; she was just petite. Maybe she would end up injuring herself, She remembered she had accidentally cut herself on a knife but learned to be careful around sharp objects. 

After thinking up reasons, she concluded that there must a big secret that Minkie would want to keep her away from. Like maybe there was a elephant who lived in all of the basements that made cupcakes. Coal Dust didn't want to keep thinking of what could possibly be down there but wanted to sneak in. 

Coal Dust waited until all of the bakers were out when she crept up to the door, she reached for the handle and slowly turned it when she heard a familiar voice. "What'cha doin smalls?" Coal turned to meet face to face with Babs. Coal dust dug her hooves into the wooden floor and looked down, but Babs could tell something was up. 

Later that night Babs and Derpy talked to Minkie about the incident that happened earlier that day with Coal Dust wanting to see what's in the Basement, Minkie sighed and went upstairs to Coal Dust. Coal Dust was sitting in bed when she heard a knock on the door, "come in." Coal dus said in her soft voice. The door creaked open and Minkie entered the room. 

Coal Dust watched as her guardian sat on the bed next to Coal, "So i heard you were trying to get into the basement today." Coal Dust lowered her head "I'm not mad at you Coal, but do you want to know what is in there?" Coal Dust looked up and nodded slowly following the dark coated mare down the dark hallway. 

Soon enough they reached the basement, Minkie stood by the door and leaned in close to Coal's level "Listen Coal, there is something you should know before going down there. There are things that would give you nightmares, things that can hurt other ponies, and you can decide if you want to be part of it. understood?" Coal nodded unsure if now she really wanted to go into the basement. 

She turned to Derpy who was smiling, as well as Pinkie and some of the other bakers. Coal Dust opened the door and walked down the steps, with the rest of the bakers following behind her.

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