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Elizabeth's POV.

We were staying at a hotel. That's the night when I decided to initiate my plan. My escape plan. My life was and is never simple. It's always been hard, and I've always been running away from it. More specifically I've been trying to run away from my fiancée, Ashton Rodriguez. My worst nightmare. Since I've met him, I hate him. My dad sent me to him, though he didn't know what Ashton was capable of. Ashton never told me anything about him. Just that he's a really powerful business man and no one is bigger than him. As if I'd believe that. I know that he's not that powerful. Even though he has control over me, it doesn't mean that he has control over the whole world.

I was sitting on the edge of my bed. This is my chance. No matter how many times I get caught, I'll never stop trying. I have to get away from this monster. He must be coming soon. I've to escape as soon as possible.

I got up from the bed and opened the bedroom door and slipped out of the room. I looked both ways, the coast is clear. I ran through the corridor and then down the lift. I tapped my foot against the floor impatiently, waiting for the elevator to reach the ground floor. As soon as the door opened I ran out the doors of the hotel.

I was wearing a grey hoodie and a pair of normal track pants with running shoes. I had a couple of bucks with me that could be enough for food. Except that I didn't pack anything. I had already eaten my dinner so I was okay for the night. But I needed shelter.

Ashton must have reached the room and noticed that I'm not there. He doesn't care about me. I'm just his obsession. I'm a puppet. If I make a mistake then he'd punish me. That punishment would be severe. He'd beat me to death. He's a psychopath. He doesn't allow me to go out. If I wear revealing clothes or even normal clothes that show off a bit of skin, he'd explode with anger and abuse me. The cuts and bruises and scars on my body prove that I've been through a lot.

My dad, he's a wealthy business man. But he never cared about me. He is the same as Ashton, he abused me through my childhood and when I turned 20 he sent me to Ashton. Three years and not a single day of freedom or peace. Just pain and grief. One day I was almost about to kill myself and say goodbye to this world and it's merciless ways. But I couldn't do it. I just didn't want to die. I wanted to fight. I've been fighting for quite a long time. And I will be for the rest of my life.

I ran as far as my legs could take me. I stopped infront of a small grocery store. I went inside and bought a bottle of water. I was panting heavily. I opened the cap and gulped down the whole bottle.

I sat on a wooden bench outside the store. I needed to rest. My legs were not that strong. I had to take a lot of surgeries. One for my ribs, one for my arm, one for my fingers and two for my legs. I've broken quite a lot of bones. It's clear how I broke so many bones and took surgeries. Thank God I didn't get any nervous breakdowns or anxiety disorders. I didn't let them mess up my mind.

I looked around the street. Then closed my eyes and rested my head on the headboard of the bench. I took a long deep breath. I have to do this! I've to fight. You cannot loose hope. You have to fight.

I opened my eyes and got up from the bench. I started jogging. Don't run but you atleast have to move. I couldn't stay there more longer. I've to find a place where I can stay.

The street was lit by only a street light. The darkness consuming most of the land. These are the times when one feel paranoid and scared. Thinking that someone or something is going to pop up out of nowhere and swallow them whole. Well, I guess that doesn't happen much.

I spotted a hotel a little far away. I started pacing towards it. I'm so not gonna pay for any room. I'll just enter some room and stay there for the night. This is also a way of spy's, but I've done it a lot of times so it's not a big problem. I'm a light Walker. No one even realizes and I'm out of the room.

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