what an idiot.

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I leave the library not long after he does. I head into the cafeteria, not really sure what I'm looking for but forget to find my reason when Preston approaches me.

"Can no one take a hint?" I curse to myself, making sure he overheard me.

"Hello sweetcheeks." I scrunch my nose at his creepy nickname.

"We have a spot calling out for you at our table. It's next to mine, lucky you." He steps closer, clearly not minding taking a major risk, considering what he had to endure earlier in the gym.

"I think I'll pass-" through the open doors I see Crow sitting under the tree. His tree. He subtly shakes his head, silently telling me to not be an idiot.

Who the hell is he to tell me what to do?

"You know what? Why not." I smirk. Looking at crow, I smile in spite. He shakes his head in disapproval then goes back to eating an apple.

"R-really? I mean, cool. We're over here." He clears his throat, doing a bad job and trying to keep his cool as he leads the way to the center of the loud cafeteria.

Rooted there is a long benched table with 8 people already occupying the majority of the seats.

"That's Stella." He points to a caramel skin toned girl with artificial blonde hair. She merely glances at me for a second, then resumes her conversation with another mate on the football team.

"She's Piper." A strawberry haired girl with freckles nods at me in acknowledgement.

"Jasmine." A girl with deep tanned skin and intense eyeliner can compete in a beauty pageant with cleopatra, and probably tie with her.

"And lastly, Ainsley and Alexis." Twins stare back at me with intense blue eyes, one of them wearing a French braid and the other leaving her naturally straight dark locks cascading down her shoulders.

"But I can't forget about my boys Leighton, Caleb, and Everette." He points each on out to me.

Leighton has matching red hair with Piper, but his seem to hold a darker hue. I'm assuming their siblings, it's hard to ignore the similarities between their features. Caleb smiles at me, and his hazel, almost orange, eyes are the first thing I notice about him beside his blue hair in the typical whiff hairstyle. And Everett looks plain, featuring brown eyes and brown hair. But his eyes hold an intensity towards me that if I wasn't me, id probably be intimidated.

I raise an eyebrow towards Preston, looking for his next move.

"Well sit then." He ushers me next to him. He has way too much Axe on, he has to run out after only a week of use by the intensity of his smell. "You don't have lunch?" He asks.

I shake my head, resting my elbow into the table then resting my head in my hand. I'm already bored.

"Half up half down or just all straight?" Piper points to her hair and curls the ends, anticipating an answer from her fellow bimbo.

"Ah! The party tonight!"Preston exclaims, turning to me, "you should be there, it seems like your type of scene." Something about what he said triggers some kind of deja vu but I wave it off before I remember who he resembles.

"Hm. Maybe." I shrug, looking to the side. I kinda wish I was somewhere else, bantering with someone. Crow? No, I'm not thinking about him. I'm not.

"Don't force the girl Preston, we all know you're good at that." Jasmine snickers and the rest of the group gives knowing looks to each other. Some looked uneasy, others had a malicious smile. Something about what they said made my skin prickle. Am I missing something?

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