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I never fully understood what Crow said but I'm getting the slight hint that Preston's group was after me.

Lunch rolled around after that whole ordeal in pe and let's just say I didn't argue when the bell rang. I dipped out of there real quick. We didn't even do anything, the teacher arrived late, what a surprise, and told us today is a free day so we can either walk around the gym or get some volleyballs to toss around, just like what I predicted.

I decide against going to Crow's tree, even though I'm craving it's shade in the fresh air. But Crow ruins that fantasy with him just being there, so I decide to go to the library instead.

Finding the library with ease thanks to the huge double doors and the matching sign that says library, I walk in and immediately get a whiff of old book pages and ocean breeze detergent from the librarians knitted sweater.

Its hideous.

Passing the medal detectors and nerds eating their lunch at the tables in the center of this book heaven, I see no Crow or Preston or Nixon, and I exhale in relief.

I just need to recharge with some alone time.

Before taking a seat, my feet decide to roam this space that I'm not familiar with. Passing the tall standing shelves, I pause and look at all the mismatching book bindings. Such a mess yet so put together. I admire all the knowledge it holds.


A calling of my name rouses me out of my daze and I'm back on the library carpet.

"uhm, I didn't think this was your setting." Crow awkwardly greets me with a confused gaze, silently asking me with his eyes what the hell im doing standing there staring at a bunch of books.

"And you've known me for what, just a few weeks, right?" I point out, looking back at the varying book bindings and run my hand through them all, feeling all the different textures of them, rough, smooth, lifted texts, etc.

"Valid enough." Crow nods in agreement. "Romance section? I guess you're right about how I know nothing about you." Crow reaches above me and grabs a dark blue book on the shelf that's out of my reach.

"I didn't even know this was the romance sect-"

"Ever read Pride and Prejudice?" He flips open to a random page of the book, reading its content.

"I don't do romance. Literary wise and literally." I look straight into his eyes, hoping he'll take a damn hint.

"Preston won't care." He chuckles, still flipping through Pride and Prejudice. Every romantic has read that book at least twice. The stupid standard of the rude rich kid gradually being changed by the sweet innocent savvy annoys me. If only they knew people don't change, not even the hottest receptionist won't be able to change the snobby CEO like how wattpad stories go.

"What's that prick's deal anyway?" I start to walk onto the opposite side of the shelf.

He takes out a book right in front of my eye line, to meet my eyes from the other side of the book shelf.

"He sees you as a game piece, Roxy. Just, don't play along." His face holds a stern, serious look as he stares at me between the books.

Then as sudden as he came, he walks away, leaving me staring into the space where he once occupied.

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