the too clean gymnasium.

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+sorry i havent posted in a while, i highly advise you scan over the last chapter so you remember why Roxy is being a petty bitch, or dont if you have a tendency to remember the unmemorable things i.e. my wattpad story;)

Crow's POV~

My chest is still sore from having the air fucking knocked out of my lungs thanks to that bitch. I've been inside this gigantic gym for maybe thirsty minutes, wondering where the hell Roxy is.

Smelling this off putting, greasy air in here really doesn't help my bruised lungs. How the hell can the air be so dry yet feel and smell so sweaty and uncomfortably humid at the same time?

I guess the look of the gym makes up for it a little. I don't see a scratch in sight on top of the glossy wooden gym floor. The lines of the basketball courts look bold and animated, clearly applied sometime this year because it's not faded with age at all.

My stomps echo across the gym as I head towards the group of maybe 10 to 15 people in the center that I'm guessing is the same group of people I'm going to be obligated to "befriend."

Keeping myself standing in the outermost edge of the circle, I see a head of grass and a brunette conversing among themselves in the center of us, wearing their I.D on a lanyard so I'm assuming they run this thing. They also look a bit our age so I'm not sure.

People around me are still shuffling around, battling for the best view. My view isn't a problem thanks to my genetic advantage of longer legs, and you know what that means...

More growing pains. They suck like a bitch. That's what she said.

After a few minutes, the door hitting the wall echoes throughout this huge sweaty ass room and a sigh of relief release as I see Roxy stomping towards me. Annoyed. Nothing new there.

But then I start to choke on that sigh of relief as I see Nixon follow after with three people alongside him.

"And you call me slow." Roxy murmurs behind her as Nixon breathes heavily as they reach where I am.

"I had to tie my shoe," He claims.

"But those are velcro-" I try to point out before getting rudely interrupted.

"Anyways! Welcome sluts and whores! Today is an eventful day!" Nixon voices loudly as he shuffles between people to meet the I.D wearing snobs in the center of the group.

"Last week's meeting was supposed to be the introductory meeting where we all get to know each other and be more fitted for the second meeting, which was going to involve quizzes about how well you know your partner and what not, but since I'd say a majority of you shitheads didn't bother to show up, this meeting will have to be our introductory one, so we're already behind schedule and that's so great!" He grips his hair and wears a wide grin as the girl with blue hair pats his shoulder sympathetically.

The blue headed girl patting his shoulder then speaks to the whole group, "we'll start off with introducing ourselves. I don't exactly know our official titles in this project," she laughs, "but I guess you can say we're the organizers of these meetings. So I'm Elodie."

"Aurelia." The girl with the purple-y silverish hair smiles gently.

"Clement, nice to meet y'all," the orange headed girl holding Aurelia's hand looks like she couldn't decide between pink or orange so she picked both.

"Gemma, but people call me Gem." The brunette says, the most normal looking one out of the "organizers." Notice how I said "most," because she's still wearing light up sneakers and I didn't even know they made those in any size larger than an elementary schooler size.

"And I'm Cosmo," the green haired dude says," my name's actually Carlson but you guys can guess why people called me Cosmo," he laughs.

"Nixon here! Anyways, we'll start off with answering a few questions to your partner. First question, what are you going to do when you have a child throwing a tantrum in the middle of a grocery store?"

Everyone has annoyance plastered on their face as they look around. I wonder the same, as if the result of us answering his dumbass question will make us realize oh how relatable we all our and how we can suddenly realize we all have the potential to be besties.

Roxy turns to me and I face her while we responded at the same time, talking over each other at first.

"Whip out your spray bottle-"

"You grab em by the ankles and when they're upside down, you-"

"Wait what?"

"Wait what?"

The fuck? Did she say to grab them by the ankles? This bitch really not well in the head.

"Spray bottle? What are they, a dog?" She stares at me like im the fucking weirdo.

"Wha- you just said to hang them upside down like you're roasting a pig or something! How can you even-!" I flail my arms around at the ridiculous insinuation that I'M somehow the strange one.

"Whatever. This whole thing is stupid. This low budgeted, half assed, thrown together meetings with overly optimistic losers as leaders of this fucking thing is making me physically absorb their pathetic nature. Oh, hey Nixon, I didn't see you there." Roxy says with her arms crossed while wearing a passive expression.

"You were looking right at me." He mirrors her passive expression, not looking offended in the slightest. When you're friends with Roxy, you tend to get used to the jabs of truth.

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