blooming invasion.

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refer to the chapter called "a bridge and her flowers."  for a refresher, specifically towards the end of that chapter, her 'teen stage'

Roxy's POV~

I jolt awake to the subtle shut of the front door. Looking around me, I wonder what the hell is happening at first.

I check the time first, then I look beside my bed to the floor and see two folded blankets and a pillow.

Well. 3:56 AM and Crow is currently out of sight. I run to my window and see him just hop into his car in his driveway. Where the hell-?
Where could he be going at this hour? If he's living a double life as a stripper to feed his kids I'd understand but, clearly I need to find out for myself.

I tell myself that as soon as he starts backing his car out of the driveway, I'll sprint to my front door and only open the door to then sprint to me car once he makes it to the end of the road so he doesn't see me as well.

His car drifts by my standpoint to the end of the road at the stoplight and that's when I rush out my door and hurry to my car door.

shit shit shit shit shit shit

I fumble with my keys due to my constant checking that I can still see his car enough to follow.

I finally get it open and turn on the ignition as I look up and see him make a left turn. Huh. Where could he really be heading off to?

I've been following his car with mine, making sure to stay behind certain turns as to not be seen, and we end up at the bridge. My bridge.

I see him park into the parking lot next to his grandmother's flower shop that I remember buying flowers from. I do the same and park into a nearby parking lot a few streets down.

I walk back up the sidewalk to meet his shadow heading below the crackling concrete that I know as my bridge, carrying some kind of object I can't make out.

Desperate to find out what the hell he's doing there, I speedily walk towards his disappearing shadow and hide behind the fence separating the public from the underneath of this bridge, which is contradictory quite easily enterable.

He's watering my flowers.

He's watering my flowers?

That's why they miraculously didn't die? Because some dipshit, thinking he has the right to trespass into my personal shit, made what was mine his own?

"You have the fucking nerve," I unknowingly
speak but decide to just own it, "you think you can just come here and just project yourself into something so goddamn personal to me?"

His head jerked so fast, he dropped his watering can and his wide eyed stare is all I can focus on.

"...that's what she said..?" He nervously smiles.

And the worst part is he's not at all phased at my anger. How he doesn't seem to have a sense on how serious this is to me just completely blows me away.

"You have 7 seconds Crow." I say between my clenched teeth.

"Okay hold on let me watch a vine first."


"What are you gonna do? Kick my a-"

Before he can finish his sentence, I kick his shins and as he bends over and hops on his unharmed leg, I punch him square in the jaw and watch as he tumbles to the ground erupting in dust.

"God damn it Roxy! You don't think you're fucking over reacting?! I was just watering your flowers, is that such a bad thing?!" He yells with his squinted eyes while sitting up and clutching onto the leg I kicked.

"No, the bad thing isn't even solely this at all, Crow! It's everything, actually. They way you're just fucking merging with everything in my life, and just out of nowhere! No god damn warning! Why the hell did you have to move across from me?! Why did you have to be the partner I'm stuck with in this stupid project thing?! Why do you have to be in a majority of my classes? Why do you have to be everywhere, including my fucking mind?! A-and now, this?!" Somewhere along my apparent screaming fest, my hands end up crunching my hair.

"Rox, I'm s-"

"No, what the hell do you have to apologize for?" I laugh to myself as I realize the insanity of my logic. He's just existing and I'm penalizing him for that? Because of what? My silly feelings?

He stands up and walks, well more like limps, towards me, and simply completely engulfing me in his arms. My shoulders lose theirs tenseness and I just melt into him.

I start to wonder why his shirt is wet against my face until I realize that I'm the reason for them. The tears silently leak out of me like a bitch and all that's running through my head is that dream I woke up from moments ago.

wove loric, wove loric, wove loric, wove loric, wove loric, wove loric, wove loric, wove loric.

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