i bet his music wasn't even playing.

43 5 3

These halls make my spine irk, but I've been in more reckless situations so I guess I'm immune to the first day jitters that only pathetic freshman get. I'm new, big deal. If I made it two years, what will be different about this year? Absolutely fucking nothing.

I glimpse back down at my printed schedule that I got just a few minutes ago, still warm from being printed. This fucking oldie town, why couldn't they just post schedules online?

I already noticed that the halls were completely empty. It's so quiet, I start hearing imaginary ringing in my ears. Am I the only one that experiences that? I should've just came on time so that I could've knocked someone into a locker and politely ask them to tell me where the hell my classroom is, I'm tired of thinking pointless thoughts in their pointless hallway in the pointless school in this pointless town.

Before I start pulling my own hair out, I spot some random guy walking toward my way, just out of nowhere, he must've volunteered to take the attendance to the office like a damn teachers pet. nah scratch that, he don't look the type. His black boots resemble mine, the only difference being our size. Black skinny jeans, black tee, black beanie, what the hell? the only thing he's missing from my outfit is my black leather jacket and my dark purple hair, other than that we might as well win best matching couple.

He takes a left and heads down another hallway and I lose sight of him, chances are there won't be another student randomly roaming the halls so I speed walk his direction and call him out.

"Hey, you, wait!" Besides my voice, you can hear my quick stomps and if I'm not hallucinating again, his are getting quicker too. Is he running away?

I head his way and like I said, he's running and he takes a right turn and I lose him again. But I'm not losing like that, so I run faster and take the same right.

As soon as I turn, he's standing right there, blocking me from going any further but not preventing me from crashing into his chest.

"What the fuck!" I rub my sore shoulder from instinctively turning sideways so I didn't hit my face.

"Why the hell are you following me." He cross his arms. He's not that body-builder-buff but he definitely works out.

"Don't flatter yourself cunt I just needed to know where b-30 is." I roll my eyes too much, I should really work on that.

"Instead of chasing me like a fucking weirdo you could've just called me out." He turns around and starts walking away. Oh no he doesn't.

"I did, are you fucking deaf?"

"I had earbuds on." He takes off his beanie to prove his point, making it his turn to roll his eyes.

"Whatever I don't give a shit, now can you-" before I can finish he puts his earbuds on and continues walking the same direction. Who the fuck does he think he is?

Running in front of him, I stop him in his tracks and he looks down at me, completely uninterested.

"Look I don't have time for this shi-" once again I'm fucking ignored and he walks around me.

I've had enough, I grab the back of his shirt pull, making sure it leaves a damn mark on his neck. He stumbles back, baffled by my action but I couldn't care less, my patience was already thin before I got here.

"Hey, if you don't want you ass kicked I suggest you stay in your fucking lane bitch."

"You think I'm scared of you, prick? You can either Come at me and risk ur ass gettin suspended on the first day of school or tell me where my damn classroom is and never have to see me again. You want me to sign that for you or can you hear me?" I make sign language gestures in front of his face and I can tell he's ticked off but doesn't have the energy to deal with whatever authorities they have here, I'm sure he's dealt with enough, he looks like the type.

"Sorry I couldn't hear you, I had e a r b u d s on" he smiles sarcastically, emphasizing the word "earbuds"

"You can see my mouth move you fucking retard so unless you're blind, tell me where my fucking classroom is before I make you blind." I clench my fists so hard I'm sure if I look at my palms later I'll see nails marks perfectly molded into my skin.

"Hey, hey! What are you two doing here? Get to class!" Some dumb hall monitor thinks is he has some fake silver badge he gets to tell me to do shit. The cunt and I both look at the pathetic hall montier's way and send him murderous glares. He doesn't budge so I take a step towards him, already planning how I'll fit that gelled hair into the locker beside him.

"I, uh, look I don't want any trouble, just get to class please." His voice slowly becoming small. Oh, not so big now huh?

I continue walking towards him, cracking my knuckles as I get closer. He backs up with his back hitting the locker behind him, worry clearly developing in his tracks.

"Can you tell me where b-30 is?" I say, plastering the fakest smile I can manage. I've learned to master the fake award winning grin, I'm been surrounded by them for as long as I can remember. Well, I was surrounded by them, until I went dark and dyed my hair and snuck out at night to see "friends" that got me in a jail cell once or twice.

"Oh. Um, it's in the B building which is across campus, so let me take you there. If you let me, I mean. it's okay if you don't, I can just go to the office and print you a map, I won't take too long I promise-" he starts rambling and I get bored so I interrupt before he starts pissing his pants from how nervous he sounds.

"It's cool just take me there, I don't got all day." He nods and leads way, but before I follow him, I glimpse back and see that guy still there, leaning on the wall, arms still crossed. I get the feeling that, if I do see him again, that's how I'll see him. Leaning, arms crossed, with a smirk plastered on his face. But what's new is his smirk isn't fake, I can tell.

"Hello? You still coming?" The hall monitor calls, already at the end of the hall.

"Yeah." I simply call back, with my eyes still locked on the mystery guy's eyes. I narrow my own, already knowing that we won't be too fond of eachother.

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