first drift.

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~i probably should've mentioned this first thing but, pls feel free to leave feedback like i can take punches to my self esteem really it's fine, except for my idiot friends commenting, know that the block button is always at my disposal u jerks

anyways, keep reading:) like four of u lol

Roxy's POV~

"Will you stop looking around and just get up the goddamn stairs already? Don't make me change my fucking mind." I roll my eyes at his obnoxious curiosity.

"Geez, sorry if an unconscious woman on your couch makes me wonder," he mutters as he heads up the staircase.

I open my bedroom door and close it behind me, just so I can irritate Crow.

"You know, I'd say inviting me inside your house exposes your real soft side I didn't even think you had, Rox," his muffled voice makes its way through the cracks of the door between us.

"Don't flatter yourself, Mockingbird, I just don't want to get my carpets soaked." I lean against the wall, making sure not to block the door.

I look beside me to see his face peek inside through the slightly opened door.

"Where did you really get that ring, Rox?" He uses his green eyes as an advantage.

"...why the hell do you need to know?" I cross my arms and rest my head on the wall while looking up at the ceiling.

"I'm assuming that you either ignored me or just didn't notice me in that flower shop."

"Huh?" I lift my head to face him directly,
"what are you talking about?" I'm utterly confused and generally lost.

"You went to the bridge near the house that was infamous for burning down mysteriously. Then you went to the flower shop. I was there too, getting daisies and what not." He peeks his whole head and half his body through the door, still not completely entering my room yet.

"Wha- Wait why?"

"Oh, just visiting my grandma. Wait she's not dead! She owns the shop haha. But don't change the subject. You know the cemetery is near the bridge, not underneath it, right? Why were you bringing flowers down there?" He questions, but with no accusation in his tone. I didn't expect his question to sound genuinely curious.

I step away from the door and decided to slide under my covers before responding.

"Maybe I'm honoring the water that used to flow under there. Climate change, you know. It's a killer." I drown my head in my sheets so all I see are the stitchings of my yellow covers. I should really consider replacing these old spongebob ones.

The ceiling is suddenly revealed as he uncovers my face while at the same time I feel a shift on my mattress. He sits besides me and looks me directly in my eyes.

"C'mon, tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tel-" he nags me like a child, and would be a dead one if I didn't interrupt him.

"Listen Crow, I'm not joking anymore. Can you please drop it."

"I don't understand, is this a secret kind of thing? Because I can-"

"You don't have to understand it," I take back my covers from his hands and cover my body up to my neck and face the opposite side, "you just to respect it."

"Okay. Sorry, Rox. I didn't mean to-"

"Yeah whatever pigeonbrains, just go to sleep so I can kick you out sooner." It seems the atmosphere lightens a little as I hear his chuckles. Feeling my mattress settle back to normal as he gets up, I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. I wasn't sure if his close proximity or the subject of my ring was making me tense this whole time.

"Um, just one question, where am I supposed to do that task that you speak of: sleep?" I face him and see him weirdly fiddling his thumbs. Ha, awkward loser.

"Just, ugh," I sigh loudly as to put emphasis on how much of a hassle piece of shit he's being, despite the fact that I technically invited him over here.

After rummaging through my closet and throwing two spare blankets and pillow over my shoulder, I shut my closet door and leap back on my bed, choosing to skip over the part where I help Crow settle in.

"Thanks for all your help." I hear him say as he kneels down and spreads the blanket on the floor.

"Are you being a sarcastic piece of shit again?" I face him again, ready to pounce on his ass and defend my honor.

"No, no, really. Thanks, for you k-know, all that y-you did and- you know what? Let's just fast forward through all the sympathetic stuff and go to sleep. Cool? Cool. Goodnight!" He nervously fumbles with his words as he immediately covers his head with the blanket afterwards.

I laugh silently to myself as settle in comfortably under my sheets. Somehow, everything feels alright right now. I'm not annoyed about dealing with tomorrow's idiots or worried about waking up too soon. I'm just, alright. Maybe I'll even have a dream.

Ha, it was worth humoring myself in this brief moment where I'm weirdly calm.

Just as I accept the fact that dreams are just a thing I'll only read about, I drift off into someplace I've only read about.

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