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Club. . .

Tommy's POV:

"You did lovely!" He said with a smirk after I entered my dressing room. I let out a sigh.

"I only do it because of the money." I said as I got in front of my dresser and checked my makeup.

"But look at you." He said as he took my hands and made me twirl. I ended up facing him and his body pressed against mine. I felt disgusted. "Who wouldn't want a treasure like you?"

"What are you doing?" I asked as his lips went to my neck. I felt his vampire teeth scratching my neck...and that was the moment when his fangs sank into my neck to drain my blood. I flinched and whimpered. It hurt so bad...especially since I was a kitsune. "Please, stop..."

"You're irresistible, Glitterbaby." He said.

"Please, Lucifer." I gasped out as he pressed me to the wall. I closed my eyes shut. This pain was unbearable!


After Lucifer finished his dirty job with me, I had to go pleasure some patrons. That was the worst. I could dance all night, but not be in private with strangers. Right now I was in front of a tall demon. We all had human forms, but from the inside, we were vampires, angels, demons or kitsunes.


Finally! I can go back home! I picked up my things and put on my coat, then went outside. The buses in Immixus were 24-hour buses. That was nice. Bus 45 came over to the bus stopped and opened the doors. I entered, paid the driver and went to an empty seat in the back.


Home. . .

Tommy's POV:

I had finally reached my apartment after thirty minutes. When I opened the door, and entered a bedroom, I found my children Lyric and Ambrose, on the bed. I smiled and stroked their hair.

"I love you, my Darlings." I whispered and gently kissed their foreheads.

"Oh you're here." Said a voice. I tensed up. I backed away from the kids and turned around. Sasha, the babysitter, came over to me.

"Hello." I said. "Thank you for taking care of them."

"Welcome, but what am I getting in return?" She asked with a smirk. I exit the room, closing the door behind me so they could sleep. I sigh as she came closer, vampire teeth coming out since she was half demon from her Dad and half vampire from her Mom.

"Just do what you need to do." I whispered as I backed away and my back hit the door. Sasha chuckled under her breath.

"You know what I want." She said as her teeth got ready to sink into my skin.


Sasha left after five minutes. I had gone to the bathroom to clean up the fang markings Sasha left on my neck.


"Baylor?" I said as he kept kissing my neck. He didn't react. I gently pushed him away. "Baylor, stop. Please." He looked at me as he got off of me.

"What?" He asked.

"I need to tell you something." I said and he looked at me.

"You tell me later." He said as his hands slide to my waist. "Right now I want to enjoy you."

"Please, Baylor, listen to me." I said. "Its important." He sighed and looked at me.

"What is it?" He asked. I let out a shaky breath.

"I need you to know...that I'm...expecting...two miracles." I said and he gave me a confused look.

"What are you trying to say?" He asked. "Are you pregnant?"

"Yes." I said. He shook his head as he stood up. I took his hands. "Please Baylor. We're having children--"

"Correction." Said Baylor. "You are having children. I never want to see you again."

"Baylor, I--" I started when his hand connected with my cheek. I rubbed my cheek at the slap I received.

"Goodbye Tommy." He said as he got his stuff and left.

***End of Flashback***

I let a shaky breath get out of me and then I looked at the door where Ambrose and Lyric were looking at me. I smiled. "Hey sweeties."

"Hi." They said as we went to the couch. They then cuddled next to me. They yawned and I softly chuckled. "Tired?"

"Mhm." They said. "We wanted to see you, Mommy." Said Ambrose and I smiled. Lyric sat on my lap and I kissed their foreheads.

"Go back to bed." I said. "You ate?" They nodded and I put them down. "Goodnight sweeties."

"Goodnight." They said and left. I smiled.

"I'll make sure no harm comes to you my sweethearts." I whispered. After five minutes, I went to the room to change into pajamas. I slid into the bed and drifted to sleep.

New story!! Hope you like it!!! This is dedicated to the beautiful and lovely _Wildfire_3 who's been dying to read this. I've been arranging the story in different ways, so it completely change, but it still has Kitty as a Kitsune and Addy as a vampire/angel. This is also for my entire Glamily, so enjoy!!!

💙Alexandra Lambert Ratliff💙

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