Chapter 3

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I knocked on the door to Tyler's office. Before entering, I unbuttoned the first two buttons on my shirt, letting out more cleavage.

I dropped some stacks of papers on his desk and straightened my skirt.
"Good morning to you too," his good mood filling the whole area.
"Excuse me," I turned to walk away.
"Sotaar," I stopped in my tracks, "Come have a seat."

"About the other day at the coffee shop, I'm so sorry. I realised you really liked that Mocha my sister's cleavage took from you," he took out his wallet, "was it five dollars? I'll give you a twenty. You could get a packet of tissue in case your little friend decides to show up again" he laughed.
I got to my feet, "You're such an arse"

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have him dead.

But why does Brad want him dead?
I reread the sheets, hoping to get a clue as to why he would want Tyler dead.

"Hey!" Jeannie Brennet squealed, startling me to the extent that I dropped my files on the floor, "let me get those for you," she said, dropping to her knees.
"Oh no no no" I gently pushed her away and collected the sheets, "What do you want?"
"Ms Sundance needed a copy of the files you printed out for the meeting yesterday,"
I rolled my eyes, "I wonder how you manage to work as PA for that woman."

After work, I walked to the town's library since it was mostly deserted.
I signed in and went deep into the library, hoping to get the most privacy.
I set my laptop bag and my work bag down and set my laptop up.

Once connected to the library's wireless network, I typed in the search engine, Tyler Kurt.
There wasn't really much useful information that could help me link him to Bradley.

Just when I was about to exit the website, a picture caught my attention.
It was a picture of Tyler, his parents and his two siblings.
I looked closely at his siblings and realised there was a similarity between Tyler's brother and Bradley.
I gave myself the benefit of doubt.
I mean, it could've just been a coincidence, a coincidence that Tyler's brother and Bradley had the same first name.

"What are you doing here?" A familiar voice filled the little corner I occupied.
I quickly clicked on an old Web page showcasing ways of finding a hot guy.
I tried to type in something random but my unexpected company peeped at my laptop from behind me.
"Looking for ways of finding a hot guy? I see." I could feel his smirk in his voice.
"Are you stalking me?"
"Wouldn't you like that?"
I turned off my laptop computer. "Outside work," I put my laptop back in it's bag and grabbed my blackberry and IPhone and then my completely boring workbag, "I don't have to deal with your bullshit."

He grabbed my arm.
"You need to quit doing that, Tyler," I winced.
"It's Mr Tyler or Mr Kurt," he smiled.
For a moment we locked eyes and this time I felt pretty self conscious.
I broke our eye contact and looked down.
"Do you want to go get dinner with me?" He asked, "I'll try to be less annoying...not because I want to, but you'd have a knife closer to you."
I chuckled.
Did I want to go on a date with him? No.
Well I don't know why but I don't want him getting attached.
No, I don't love him. Don't get it twisted.
But he's such a refined man in his youth. He has so much to offer to this world and eventhough he's really annoying, I don't want to have to kill him. I just won't be able to.

"Earth to Sotaar," he snapped his fingers in my face.
I blushed, "Sorry what were you saying?"
"Dinner...with me" he says slowly, as if I was a little toddler who barely understood anything.
"I'm sorry but I'll have to pass. I have a dinner date with my bestfriend." I lied.
"Male or female?"
"None of your business," I freed myself from his grasp, "I'll see you at work," I paused, "Mr Tyler Kurt"

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