Chapter 1

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"Two ready-to-go cups of mocha and Chai latte with a little more caffeine in the Chai, please" I told the waitress. She nodded her head and walked away as my lazy ass of a best friend slumped herself in the seat in front of me.
"Someone didn't sleep well," I said.
"I found Germ in bed with someone and well you know what I do when I'm mad"
"But your new job starts todaaay," I stressed, "You'll be the death of me."
"You could've just worked for your parents but noooo" Wé Pieterse, my bestfriend, whined.
"You know what they did to me," I said through gritted teeth just as the waitress brought our order, "I'm off to work." I got to my feet and began walking away.
Wé followed closely behind me.
"I'm sorry for mentioning them, I really am. I'm just..not in a good place right now."
I paid her no attention.
"Come on Sots, I said I'm sorry"

Just as I turned to give her a lecture on mentioning my parents, I bumped into someone, spilling my favourite cup of tea on her.
"I'm so sorry" I pleaded.
"She ruined my Givenchy dresss!"the person let out a loud, emphatic, exclamation of extreme anger.
"Who wears Givenchy to a coffee shop," Wé said loud enough for the lady to hear.
"And who the fuck are you?"
"Wé Pieterse. And you are?"
"Not one to be messed with." She turned to one of the guys beside her, "Yanniii, see what they did to the dress you just got for me"
The incredibly hot guy beside her was just the opposite of her. He was calm and collected. "I'll get you another"
All the time the other man beside them stared right at me. It was as if he could look deep within my soul.
And just as I turned my face away from him, he burst out laughing.
"Ty, you find this funny?" Yanni (she called him Yanni) asked.
'Ty' just kept laughing and squeaked, "How did you not feel that huge booger hanging from your nose..oh my"
I was beyond embarrassed. And here I thought a guy actually had the hots for me.
I turned around and scurried away, dropping my empty cup in the bin on my way out.

"Are you alright?" Wé asked as we walked to our workplaces just a few metres away.
"Well apart from the fact that I spilled my mocha and the fact that a hot guy found the booger in my nose extremely funny. I'm completely fine," sarcasm oozed out of me.
Wé chuckled, "How did you not feel it though?" Then she burst out laughing.
"Don't make me push you onto the road Pieterse"
"I'll see you later," She said, giggling as she crossed the road to go to the neighboring building beside my workplace.

Once inside the Kurt And Co Building, I dropped my bag at my desk before hurrying to the breakfast bar to get my boss some pastries and coffee. I had never seen him before and I was told he would make an appearance today.

Just as I picked up the straw, the little chitter stifled so I guessed my boss had arrived. I rolled my eyes and turned.

The dirty blonde haired guy with blue eyes who laughed his heart out at the coffee shop when my old friend, Mr. Mcboogie came out from his hiding place in my nose walked in with his two acquaintances.
I immediately dropped everything I had in my possession and turned to hide my face.
"This cannot be happening," I whispered to myself.

"Sotaar, hey." Bradley Dodder, my work mate,  greeted,  "You kinda spilled your tea."
"Oh I didn't see that," I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes.
"I'll help you clean up before Ms. Sundance gets all mad and shit,"he grabbed some tissue from the table beside the coffee machine and got to his knees.
"Whatever," I said, admiring my broken acrylic nails. Someone please remind me to make a trip to the Nail salon.
He immediately got to his feet and tucked my hair behind my right ear.
"Just because I like you doesn't give you the right to act all Kim Kardashian with me. Remember you work for me outside K and C. Remember I have a lot on you. Remember I rule this sad life of yours," he smiled, "now where was I." He got back on his knee and cleaned my mess up.

I hate his guts so much.

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