Chapter 7

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I held the heads of my deceased parents by their hair and then made my way out of the house.

"What do we have here?" A voice said behind me.
I turned to see him slumped against the wall in the shadows.
I gasped and let go of the heads.

"What are you?" was all I could let out.
In front of me was a blue eyed beast of height one hundred and seventy-six centimeters. Also known as five foot ten, I think.
He let out a forced smile that made me wonder if he had had botox.
His face was almost white and it depicted open wounds on his cheek and forehead.

"Sotaar Sanders," he almost whispered, "I've been watching you."
He moved closer to me as I went backwards.
He picked up the heads and walked towards me.
I turned to run away but I came face to face with the brickwall by the gate.
I turned immediately and came face to face with the scary looking being.

"What do you want from me?" was all I could let out.
"You." He breathed into my ear, "Take me to your house."


My home was a vintage apartment, situated at South Orange, a suburban township in Essex County, in the New Jersey.
I wasn't exactly well to do.
I had a five hundred square foot one-bedroom, one-bath apartment with a moderate sized kitchen and a few other minor detailing.

I put the heads of my parents in the little freezer I had installed in the back of my pantry.
I barely stocked up so I rarely used the freezer.

The weird looking guy jumped onto my couch and got mud all over them.
"What the fuck!" I cheese off, "Get your filthy boots off my couch!"
"Don't you want to know why I'm here?" He said calmly.
"What do you want from me?" I asked
"My name is Bradley," he said instead.
"Gah. What do you want from me?" I rolled my eyes.
"I like this place. Small, cheap...nice," he continued, ignoring my questions.
I immediately pounced on him, pulling out my dagger.
"First of all, you do not call my house cheap. Second of all, if you dare ignore my question one more time I'll give you a double bill of scars. Now, what do you want from me?"

In one swift movement, I was under him on the couch, he had my dagger in his grip, and his cool breath fanned my tomato red face.
"Never threaten me again, Sotaar. Remember I saw you murder your parents so I own you now.
And I don't plan on letting go anytime soon."

I was supposed to be scared by his words but instead it made me hot.
*Insert a smirk here*

He got off me and straightened his worn out jeans.
"I'll be back, Sanders," he walked to the door and turned back at me, "If that's your name."

'If that's your name'
The words rang in my head.

A knock on the door snapped me out of the trance I was in.

"Hey bestfriend," I smiled.
"Where have you been?" Wé said bluntly, making her way to my fridge after dropping her bags on my couch.
I sighed. "There's a lot going on at work," I lied.

She looked at me, raising her eyebrow, "Well, I got evicted from my place. Bunch of morons."

I chortled.
"Not funny!"She rolled her eyes, "Anyway, I'll be moving in with you."
The smile on my face disappeared.
"You will?"
"Yeah," she took a beer from my fridge, "Problem?"
I feigned a smile, "Oh no. Welcome to your new home!"

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