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She ran, hand in hand with the one person she had left. Her hands shook, but were squeezed comfortingly by the girl beside her as they darted through the tall trees. Tears of fear or sadness had long since dried up on her face, and all that mattered to her now was that she kept running.

Looking up, she saw that the moonlight was covered by grey clouds that hung in the dark, endless sky. Good. Maybe no one would see them in the relentless darkness. She kept running, twigs and leaves crunching beneath her feet. Every now and then, she'd look back at the person whose hand she was clutching as if it were a lifeline, and check that she was still there, that she still existed, for it was the only hope she had, and the only thing that reminded her that her old life was still there. And so were they.

Somewhere in this endless nightmare of a forest, the other five of her friends were there.

Yoohyeon just had to hope that they were still alive.

The darkness latched onto her like a collar around her neck, choking her, bruising her, dragging her out of the corner where she'd been cowering. It curled around her feet like tendrils of smoke, and snaked up her leg and around her whole body. Every time it touched her bare skin, it burned away the boundaries she'd put up to drive it away.

The darkness spoke to her.
Give in, it whispered, give in to me. There's no hope for you now. You stepped through this mirror and I caught you. It laughed sadistically, and repeated it's taunting in a sing-song voice. I caught you!

She struggled as it began eating away at her flesh, knowing that it was only too soon before she'd be under its control completely. It had already began harnessing her mind and bending her body to its will.

The longer you struggle here, the longer you have to wait until we get out of this mirror, it hissed. You want to see your friends again, right?
Friends? She couldn't remember having friends. She couldn't even remember her own name, or how she'd gotten stuck in this realm of darkness. The only thing she knew was the constant unending torture.

As the darkness pulled her in, closer to its wrath, she began to cease struggling. She could feel it eating away at her mind, and her mind was becoming willing. The darkness engulfed her, and all she could see was blackness. She was in an endlessly repeating nightmare, trapped like this forever, and the darkness could control her like a doll. She felt herself screaming as the darkness finally broke through her fragile walls.

The demon inside her forced her eyes open.

They were completely black.


Bubbles of many different colours floated aimlessly around her, and she laughed as she popped one with her finger. The floor that she sat on was old fashioned, and a grey, rotting skull lay on the floor next to her.

'Hahaha!' she laughed, her laugh weak and shaky, as if she wasn't in her right mind. Technically, she wasn't in her right mind. She was currently in a room full of books and mirrors and old fashioned things, and a few books lay stranded on the floor from where she'd carelessly tossed them. After all, the books were the ones that had told her what she needed to do.

When she'd first arrived in this strange place, she'd been scared, her friends had disappeared, so she sat on the floor and cried for a while. She was the youngest, after all, she was practically still a teenager. But she'd always been the curious type, so she'd opened one of the books and began to read. For some reason, every word in the book said the same thing: Water will always put out the fire. She'd looked at another book, and it was also full of the exact same words.

She didn't understand what they meant, but every time she read those words, she felt hopeful and happy, like they were leading her in the right direction. So, as she now sat on the floor playing with the bubbles, she forgot about the fate of her friends.

And as each bubble popped, she simply created a new one with her bare hands.

* A/N: this possession style is very heavily inspired by throne of glass lmao i love the way the author writes about you know who being possessed in book you know which XD

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