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A black, gloomy sky loomed over the tall trees of the forest. A few stars sparkled, but they were soon snuffed out by the clouds and mist that hung in the frigid air. A shadow of wind blew past, sending a few leaves tumbling of their branches and settling onto the ground, only to be crushed by a pair of muddy shoes that slipped and slid in the mud as they ran.

Siyeon didn't know how she'd kept running, but her feet seemed to be moving automatically. Each step hurt, each breathe felt like she was breathing in acid, and her chest felt tight and constricting. Her forehead was plastered with beads of sweat that ran cold down her face, and her heartbeat was erratic.

She jumped nimbly over a fallen branch, but her foot caught and the sharp shards of wood tore at her ankle. She sobbed helplessly as it bled, a few drops of blood landing on the leaf-littered ground, but she kept running. The gash on her wrist was still bleeding, blood sliding down her arm. She clutched it and gritted her teeth, her nails digging into her skin.

Her head pounded as she darted through the trees, her thoughts a mixture of confusion, grief and fear. Deep down, amidst her disbelief and horror, she knew she couldn't run forever, but she couldn't stop. Even if the person she was running from was—

Her body was slammed against a tree with skull-fracturing force, and the next thing she knew, she was pinned against the trunk with a hand gripping her neck.

She was going to die.

Yoohyeon stared at her with otherworldly, impassive eyes, their soft, dark brown a piercing crimson. Razor sharp fangs protruded over her canines as if they'd burst through her gums. She was breathing heavily, and her hand was stronger than Siyeon would have imagined. She couldn't break free from her grip.

'Y—Yoohyeon p—please,' choked Siyeon, her voice breaking. Tears cascaded down her face, Yoohyeon didn't react. It was as if she didn't recognise her. 'P—please, you're my fr—'

Siyeon gasped as she felt the pain in her neck. It was a sudden, stinging pain followed by an aching sensation. She struggled, whimpering, trying to push Yoohyeon away, but her strength was leaving her. Her arms flopped uselessly at her sides, and she sobbed desperately. Siyeon felt her eyelids getting heavier, and although her heart was pounding at the prospect of death, she didn't have the strength to resist. She was going to die.

And then the pain stopped.

Siyeon opened her eyes, a small moan escaping her lips. She was trembling from head to toe, and something hot was trickling down her neck and onto her clothes. Hot tears were still falling down her face, and her vision was swimming.

'N-no... I d-didn't... no, p-please no...'

Yoohyeon was standing a few metres away from her, her hands and mouth dripping with blood. Siyeon's blood.
The fangs had disappeared and her eyes were their normal shade again, and they stared at Siyeon in horror. Yoohyeon's blood smeared lip trembled, and she stumbled back, staring at her bloody hands in shock. Siyeon's head was pounding and her knees felt weak. She whimpered in pain and Yoohyeon's gaze swivelled to hers.

'S-Siyeon, let me hel—'

'NO!' screamed Siyeon, suddenly terrified. Her breathing was erratic, her head felt like it was on fire, and everything was a blur. She pushed her weight off the tree, trying to stand up straight, and staggered, almost falling over. Yoohyeon stood watching her helplessly as she stumbled away from her, holding onto tree branches for balance.

'S-Siyeon,' she croaked, tears sliding down her face. Siyeon shuddered feverishly but continued limping away from her, blood still pouring from the wound in her neck. Yoohyeon's voice sounded a million miles away, the only sound her brain registered was the strange ringing noise in her ears.
And then she felt a hand on her shoulder.

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