Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Sorry about that last cliffhanger, but it was already my longest chapter yet. Besides, a little suspense is good 😜 also, I can't believe I have 500 reads!! Thank you guys so much!! Also, quick shoutout to @meganxroberts for going through and voting on all of my chapters! Thank you!


"What do we do?" I whispered to Grant. We were in the cave with the orb, about to pick it up and leave, but we'd just heard someone come into the cave behind us and chances were they're not friendly.

"Just stay quiet and listen for a minute. Maybe they'll say something to give me some clue who they are."

After a few tense seconds, we heard voices coming from the same area as the noise. Unfortunately for me, they were in another language and I couldn't understand a word.

We sat listening, and all I had to go on were Grant's expressions, which didn't give me many clues about what the voices were saying. I made a silent pact with myself to start learning some languages once we got back to the Quinjet.

After a minute, they stopped.

"What's going on?" I whispered to Ward.

"They're here for the orb. They haven't seen us or our camp yet."

"Well, what are we going to do? We can't just let them take it."

"No, we can't. We might just have to grab it and fright our way out of here," said Grant grimly.

I didn't like that plan. It sounded dangerous with a high chance of dying. We had no idea what numbers or firepower we might be up against.

I glanced around the cave. Sitting next to us was a rock about the same size as the orb. I quickly and quietly dug through my gear bag and thankfully, since I never cleaned it out, I had everything I needed.

"I have a better plan," I said to Ward, pulling out some old candy wrappers and unscrewing the light bulb from the camera.

"What?" he asked. He gave a long-suffering sigh when he saw the old candy wrappers, but didn't say anything.

"I'm going to MacGyver another orb and then you and I are going to run while whoever's coming looks is distracted."

I quickly secured the blue candy wrappers around the bulb, then grabbed the rock and covered it in white candy wrappers. I put the bulb back in the camera and put a hair tie around the button that turned on the flash.

"Ok Ward, make sure we don't have any unexpected company while I switch things around, ok?"

The look on Grant's face clearly said I think you're crazy, but he pointed his gun down the tunnel anyway. I appreciated that.

I quickly stuck the camera on a ledge at the back of the cave, angling it so that the now-blue bulb shone out. I grabbed the orb and put the rock in it's place, then hurried back to Ward's side.

It looked like crap, but it might serve as just enough of a distraction for Ward and I to escape.

Grant gave my setup one look and started shaking his head, but before he had time to actually voice his disapproval, four men came into sight.

The second they had all passed our hiding spot, Grant and I ran. We weren't as fast as we could've been because we were trying to be quiet, and that almost got us killed. It's not like my little setup was going to fool them for long, so we should've been running as fast as humanly possible to get as far away as possible before the guys turned around. But like I said, we didn't.

I heard a voice behind me yell "Hey!" and then the click of the safety coming off. I poured on the speed and I heard Grant do the same, just a few steps behind me.

Saving Grant WardWhere stories live. Discover now