Chapter Fifty-Three

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A/N: Hey guys! A song from the movie Grease comes up in this, so just in case you haven't seen it I left it above. Super good movie, I absolutely recommend it. In the US at least it's on Netflix right now. Also, fair warning, this one's a bit of a cliff hanger. Sorry! The next chapter will probably be out tomorrow or earlier because I feel bad leaving you guys hanging 😝❤️


Something was seriously wrong with Grant.

I wasn't sure yet what it was, but he had just pushed me off a Jump Jet ramp. You didn't have to be Sherlock to see that something's off.

He was sitting close to the cargo ramp on the Jump Jet, on the opposite row of seats from Garrett. I was sitting right next to him, a little closer to Garrett than I'd like to be, but I was hoping to serve as a barrier for Grant.

The only thing I wanted to do was finally get a straight answer out of Grant. I wanted to chew him out for how he'd been acting, and get to the bottom of why. But there were other agents on the plane right now, so that would have to wait. The best I could do was sit next to him and hope for the best with everything.

We flew in silence. Grant kept his eyes on the ground, Hand was doing something else (I didn't care enough to find out what), and Garrett, for once in his life, wasn't talking (thankfully). I just waited. If Grant wasn't ready to talk yet, fine. I wasn't going to start anything until we had some more privacy.

Once we were in the air, one of the agents came to report in to Hand, who was leaning in a corner on our side of the plane, but next to the cockpit.

"Course is locked, ma'm," he said, before taking a seat next to Garrett.

"Good," she said. She paused, looked at Garrett, and then turned to look at Grant. I had a bad feeling about this. "He's not telling stories now, is he?"

Grant glanced up at her, but didn't say anything. I could feel my blood boiling. What was she doing? Was she trying to rub in Garrett's betrayal? Because that's what I was feeling.

"You know what I'm thinking, Agent Garrett?" she asked, her voice the only sound besides the wind whistling outside the plane. It was eerie. "I'm thinking the Icebox of the Fridge is a little too comfortable for you. Maybe we should put you a little deeper underground."

I couldn't help it. I gasped. What was she saying? To my horror, she turned back to Grant.

"What do you think Agent Ward? Your team helped arrest the wrong Clairvoyant. Do you want to shoot the right one?"

I shot out of my seat. I couldn't help it. What was wrong with this woman?

"What is wrong with you?" I asked (probably closer to yelled), trying to block her from Grant as much as possible. "In what universe do you think someone would want to shoot their long-time friend? Traitor or not, that's pretty effed up."

Hand looked aghast, but I wasn't done yet.

"Not to mention the fact that shooting an unarmed person in our custody, no matter what he's done, is incredibly illegal! Going in, our team wasn't sure who the Clairvoyant was, but our best guess was you. I had started to feel guilty, but now? You're acting just like Hydra, so forget that!"

"I am not acting like Hydra!" she yelled, extremely upset. I just laughed.

"Shooting an unarmed prisoner? In our protective custody? Sure as hell sounds like Hydra to me!"

"You should remember who you're talking to Agent Slater! I'm level eight!"

"Oh, well, whoop-dee-do for you, you're high level in an Agency that no longer exists. I don't give a damn what you're level is, I'm not going to stand here and let you compromise SHIELD's morals and drag Grant into the middle of your crap! And before you start with all your threats of telling Coulson and removing me from SHIELD, I'll remind you that, not only do you need all the agents you can get, but COULSON WOULD AGREE WITH ME!"

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