Chapter 2 - Rankings

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Chapter 2 - Rankings

Hinata followed behind Kakashi, and in front of a jealous-looking Obito, he had insisted on going with them to Kakashi's home so he could make sure she was safe.

Kakashi rolled his eyes while Hinata giggled. Obito's cheeks were dusted with pink as the three started walking, Hinata wondered what her rank would be deemed, in her time, she was a Chuunin, but the Jounin exams had been right around the corner as well.

She was positive she could make Chuunin, no doubt, but she had worked so hard throughout the years as a Chuunin, trying to become a Jounin, trying to impress her impossible father.

Her thoughts were cut short by Kakashi, "We're here. Hinata I'll show you to your room, Obito do what you want." Obito huffed and mumbled a small 'I will.'

Kakashi opened the door to the Hatake compound and led the way to Hinata's bedroom. Kakashi slid the door open and watched Hinata as she walked in and examined the room, Hinata turned and looked at Kakashi with a broad smile. "Thank you so much, Kakashi!"

There was a light pink on Kakashi's cheeks and he silently thanked Kami he had a mask on.

Hinata POV

Kakashi nodded then silently walked out of the room, leaving me to settle in. I opened my weapons pouch and grabbed a small pouch, inside the pouch was a small portion of my savings. I pocketed the money and made a mental not to go buy some clothes, it's not like I could live in my ninja pants and Kakashi's jacket.

I walked out of my room and headed towards the kitchen where I heard Obito's voice. I walked through the doorway and saw Obito and Rin sitting at the table while Kakashi was leaning against the counter, scowling.

Rin noticed me walk through the doorway and stood up to greet me, "Hinata! You all settled in?" I nodded with a smile.

"Yea, I don't have much. I need to go shopping for some new clothes though..." Rin giggled, thinking about what happened with Obito and me.

Kakashi nodded, "Yea because someone ruined your only shirt." Obito's face flushed, he glared at Kakashi.

"It was an accident!" Obito's voice became higher and more high pitched, Kakashi snorted while Rin and I laughed. "Oi! Stop laughing!" Obito began to pout, Rin and I composed ourselves.

"Ok, ok, I'm going shopping really quick, Rin, would you like to come with me?" Rin's face brightened, she smiled and nodded her head vigorously. "I'd love to! These two never go with me." Kakashi rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"It's a waste of time to go shopping." Rin huffed and pouted, she then grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house. She pulled me to the closest clothing store, and pushed me in.

We walked over to the mesh shirts and she grabbed some, "Here, do you want shorts or pants?" I looked around the store and saw the extremely short shorts they sold, I sweatdropped and turned to Rin.

"I'll just look at the pants," Rin nodded and smiled, we walked over to the pants and I grabbed a pair of black capris and walked to the changing room.

I grabbed one of the three mesh shirts Rin grabbed and threw it on, it was had no sleeves and I bit of a high neckline, and it was a bit tight, but I could deal with it for now, when I was done changing I would grab a larger size. I but on the black capris and put them on as well, they felt like my old pair, but a bit tighter in the hips.

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