Chapter 12- The End

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"Kakashi... Why...? How...?" Hinata looked at the silver haired male next to her in a mix of fear and shock.

Kakashi sighed, his face pained, "She had gone on her first solo mission, but was soon kidnapped and they sealed the three-tailed beast inside her. I was sent to rescue her and I did, but we were ambushed on the way back and I tried to defend her... I used my Chidori to kill most of them... But I was about to kill the next when Rin jumped in front of me, my Chidori going right through her heart."

Hinata, Naruto, and Gai all looked shocked at Kakashi's confession. Obito only scowled, his chakra fluctuating in anger and sorrow, but he remained silent. After the silence, the Uchiha spoke, "Enough. We will fight, there is no way of avoiding it."

Kakashi nodded and readied his battle stance, as did Naruto and Gai. Hinata kept standing, not wanting to face off against Obito, "No... Obito-kun... Please..."

"He'll betray you Hinata. Just like he did with Rin. Join me, I never wanted you hurt." Obito pleaded one last time, his voice slightly nervous and sorrowful. Hinata shook her head sadly and slid into her stance, causing Obito to sigh sadly and frown. He threw his mask and held his large weapon tightly, "I see..."

-Line Break-

The four had fought hard, no one being able to land a scratch on Obito, but soon, the entire Allied Shinobi Forces joined the fight and the Kage faced off against the reanimated Uchiha Madara.

Hinata had her Byakugan activated and could see Obito glancing at her every now and then, she did her best to ignore it and tried to fight for the Shinobi world, but it was hard due to Kakashi trying to protect her from anything and everything.

She quickly became irritated, and jumped a few meters away from him, next to Neji, "Neji-Nii."

The addressed male glanced over at her, "Hinata-sama."

Hinata put her right shoulder to his left, "We need to do something about the fusion the Jyuubi has with Obito." He nodded, not quite sure where she was taking this, "I'm going to separate the link, but I need you to get me up there using Hakke Kūshō(Air Palm)"

Neji face contorted in shock and horror, "No! It's too dangerous, Hinata-sama! I refuse to lose you again!"

The Hyuuga Heiress's face began slightly irritated, "Nii-san, I don't want to lose you either, you're my brother and I love you. But I can do this, I'll separate the bond and I'll jump right back to you. I won't have anything to grab onto so I'll count on you to catch me."

Neji finally gave in, but barely, his brows furrowed and he bit his lower lip, "Fine. I'll do your plan." He spoke in a stiffened, slightly bitter tone.

Hinata smiled and placed a hand on his arm, "Will you be there to catch me, Nii-san?"

The caged bird smiled softly and ruffled Hinata's bangs, "Always."

-Line Break-

Neji readied his chakra for the Hakke Kūshō and lifted his palm, aiming towards Obito, "Ready, Hinata-sama!"

With her adrenaline coursing through her and her heart pounding in her ears, Hinata jumped up and pressed the ball of her foot against Neji's open palm, "Ready!"

Neji prayed to any Kami out there to Jeep Hinata safe and yelled out, "Eight Trigrams: Hakke Kūshō!" The burst of air sent Hinata flying at speeds Obito's Sharingan could barely follow.

The Uchiha seemed surprised at the fact Ginata was flying towards him like a bullet and backed away as the rest of the forces watched in hope, Hinata cocked her arm back, her hand straight as she sent chakra to the tips of her fingers. As she got close, Hinata shoved her chakra bladed hand through the link between Obito and the Jyuubi, separating them.

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