Chapter 3 - Konoha's Mourning

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Chapter 3 - Konoha's Mourning

Neji stood in front of Hiashi, his head hung low. "Gomennasai, Hiashi-sama. Hinata-sama has... d-died in battle." Neji tried to not let his voice waver in front of his uncle, but he failed, his voice cracked when he spoke of death.

Hiashi's eyes widened, his eldest daughter had... died? "Where is her body?" Hiashi would never admit it, but he loved Hinata, she just reminded him of her mother so much it was painful.

Neji met Hiashi's gaze and tried to void his face of any emotion, "She died protecting Uzumake Naruto, jumping in front of him. Taking the blow. There is no body..." Hiashi nearly flinched, he could tell Neji was on the verge of tears. As he was the same, Hinata was his ray of sunshine, Hiashi knew that he treated Hinata horribly, he just didn't know how to express his feelings right, and for that, Hinata died thinking he hated her.


Word of Hinata's death spread like wildfire, Konoha was now in a state of mourning, for everyone had grown to love the Hyuga Hime. She was kind and treated everyone fairly, she volunteered at the hospital and at the Academy. The village had grown to need her, to depend on her, but now she was gone.

Her funeral was to be held in two days, Hiashi had paid for a gravestone, even though they had no body to bury.

Naruto sat in the hospital bed, bandages covering his body, but that was the least of his worries. All he could think about was Hinata, how she sacrificed herself for him, again. All he did was watch while she took the blow that was meant for him with a smile on her face, she was truly selfless.

Naruto had rejected her feelings, and she found out they were platonic. After that, they became best friends, almost inseparable, then Sakura came along and asked for a date. Naruto had left Hinata high and dry, yet she still died for him, he had hurt her so much, but she still loved him.

Naruto's thoughts were broken when the door slid open, revealing a green eyed pinkette. "Naruto, don't be so hard on yourself, it was Hinata's decision to die for you. It's not your fault, if anything it's hers, for making you so down. If she were truly your best friend she woul-"

"Would've what Sakura?! Let me take the hit?! What the hell is wrong with you? I thought I was your boyfriend, the one you said you loved! How dare you say this is Hinata-chan's fault, she died protecting me, that's a real best friend!" Sakura looked taken back, but quickly composed herself and glared at Naruto.

"How dare you speak like that to me! All I'm saying is the damn truth! She was taking you away from me, and I couldn't stand by and let it happen, so I told you I loved you! I lost Sasuke, but I won't lose you!" Naruto looked shocked, his look quickly turned into disgust and anger.

"Get out."


"I said get the hell out, don't come back!"

Sakura quickly left, feeling ashamed. Leaving a broken Naruto to sit on the bed to realize how much of a fool he was.


Kakashi sat at home, his head pounding, memories from childhood flooded in, but they were all altered, they all had Hinata in them.

'What in the name of Kami is happening? Why is Hinata suddenly appearing in my memories?'

The pounding got worse with every memory, Kakashi couldn't take it, so he knocked himself unconscious. He fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about indigo hair and lilac eyes.


Tsunade sat at her desk, sake bottles littering the top of her desk and the floor surrounding her. She had also grown to love the sweet, shy Hyuga girl, Hinata had been one of her apprentices, but no one knew. She wasn't the best out of Sakura, Ino and herself, Tsunade felt very strongly towards Hinata, mostly in a motherly way.

Hinata had been like her own child, she never judged Tsunade about her gambling or drinking, she was patient and kind. Tsunade loved her. Before she knew it, Tsunade found herself sobbing into her hands.


Tenten sat at home on her bed tears streaming down her tan cheeks, Hinata was her best friend forever, they knew each other's every secret. Hinata was the only one Tenten could confide in, she was loud like Ino and Sakura, and she could keep secrets. Like her crush on Neji, her hate for the Suna kunoichi, Temari, her dislike for the color pink, and her favorite weapons to her least favorite.

Now, Tenten had no one to confide in. No one to tell how Neji was opening up to her slowly. No one to rant to. No one to be there when she needs to cry. No one to be there for the happy times. No one...

No one...

No one...

The two words swirled around in Tenten's mind, making fresh tears fall down her face. 'I hope you're happy up there, Hinata-chan, I love you so much...'


Team 8 had taken the news very roughly. Kiba, Shino, and Kurenai had locked themselves in their houses and cryed. Yes, even Shino. They loved Hinata, Kiba and Shino were her brothers, Kurenai was like a second motherly figure for the young girl.

Each one thought of the memories they made together, Hinata was there for them, good or bad. Hinata was always there for every one of them.

Hinata was there when Asuma died and was there to take care of Kurenai when she was pregnant.

Hinata had helped Shino with his taijutsu, he sought her out when he needed to talk or if he needed silence.

Hinata was there for Kiba when he trains too hard, caring for his cuts and bruises, listening when he would rant about beating Naruto and becoming the Hokage.


The whole village was mourning the loss of Hinata Hyuga.

They would miss her kindness.

They would miss her selflessness.

They would miss her caring.

They would miss her smiles.

They would miss her.


A/N: I may or may not have cried while writing this... How was chapter 3? Also, do you want Hinata to be with the teenage Kakashi? Or the present Kakashi?

"Speaking" Others

"Speaking" Hinata

Ja ne!

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