Chapter 7 - Escape

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(A/N: There will be a small bit of lime in this chappy, but I promise it's not a lemon.)

Chapter 7: Escape

Hinata looked up through her swollen eyes, she had been slowly tortured for what seemed like days. The general tried over and over to pry information on Konoha out of her, but she was loyal, not a word was uttered from her.

The only sounds that came from her were the agonized screams, her eyes were swollen and made it hard to see. Her shirt was ripped off, leaving her in her chest bindings and pants, she had no idea where her vest had gone, but she assumed he destroyed it. Hinata had cuts, bruises, and welts littering her body, he had used a leather belt and whipped her back, he had slowly sliced her body with a machete.

He had used electrocution, he tried to drown her, and he burned her to the point her skin had boils, some places on her skin was black and the burnt skin flaked off every now and then. The general had used almost every method he knew, but Hinata never spoke, she stood strong.

The general looked at Hinata and smirked maniacally, "Don't worry, little Hyuga. I still have one trick up my sleeve." Hinata tried to peer at him through her blackened eyes, but he was blurry and she couldn't focus, the pain was excruciating and it took all her might to not scream and cry for mercy, to give away all of Konoha's secrets.

The general grabbed Hinata's wrist and unchained her from the wall, he flung her onto the steel operation table and cuffed her wrists and ankles. The general grinned at her and stood at her side, his hand flicked over her chest bindings. Suddenly a kunai appeared in his hand and had ripped through her bindings, Hinata's swollen eyes widened in shock and fear.

'No, no, no, no...' "NO!" The general peered at her face with a shit-eating grin on his face, "Are you ready to talk, darling?" Hinata trembled, tears finally streamed down her bloody, bruised cheeks. "N-Never... You- you can beat m-me to a pu-pulp... Yo-You can r-ra-rape me, but I wi-will NEVER talk." The general shrugged, a nonchalant look at his face.

"Have it your way."

In Konoha

A crowd gathered around the gates of Konoha, all trying to see what had everyone else so riled up. Between the village and the forest, four ANBU were holding down a screaming Kakashi. "LET ME GO! GODDAMNIT LET ME GO SAVE HER!" Kakashi thrashed around violently, trying to pry the ANBU off of him.

Kakashi was radiating off killing intent that made most of the villagers fall to their knees, even the ANBU had trouble not letting go of the crazed Chunin. Finally, Kakashi had a split second where all the ANBU had lost their grip on him, he began sprinting towards the forest with superhuman speed.

He almost made it to the tree line, but Minato appeared before him. "Kakashi! Stop this now! You need to calm down, I've already sent out a squad to rescue her." But this only made Kakashi angrier, his glare hardened and more killing intent poured out of his body. "Minato-sensei, move."

Minato shook his head, meeting Kakashi's glare head on. Minato quickly disappeared and reappeared behind Kakashi, before the Chunin could register what happened, Minato knocked him out. Minato caught Kakashi's limp body and stared at his face.

"What is she to you, Kakashi?"

In Iwagakure

The general was licking and biting Hinata's neck, leaving hickies on her skin. He bit down where her neck met her shoulder and began to draw blood, Hinata screamed for him to stop, but her cries were ignored by the psychopathic general.

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