Chapter 11- Old friends

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(A/N: Sorry I'm so inactive with this!)

Hinata and Kakashi stood side by side in front of Tsunade, her eyes downcast and calculating. "Well although your wedding was set, but... The Akatsuki have declared war on the five great nations. So, your wedding will be postponed until it's over."

Neither of the two made any movements, but Tsunade could see that they were both extremely anxious.

Kakashi coughed slightly, directing both females' attention, "Why has Hyuuga-sama agreed to this? Surely he knows that I wasn't born with the Sharingan and the likeliness of our children having it is extremely low."

Tsunade nodded and folded her hands in front of her mouth, "Of course he knows that, but he also wants someone who's strong enough to protect his daughter."

Hinata remained silent as she glanced over at the silver-haired male, he caught her gaze for a split second, but immediately found something out the window more interesting.

Kakashi sighed, "What about my feelings? Has anyone considered what I would say to this?"

Hinata looked at the floor, tears welled up in her eyes.

'So... It was all an act...?'

Tsunade glared at Kakashi and refrained from smashing her desk, "No. I will not take your thoughts into consideration because I know deep down this is what you want."

Kakashi shook his head and met Tsunade's glare with one of her own, "No. I never wanted this. My young self was stupid, idiotic. Loving someone from the future. I don't want this and I never will!"

Hinata could've sworn she heard her heart shatter, the little pieces of her heart were stomped on repeatedly.

Tsunade lost all control and smashed her desk into nothing but a pile of wood chunks, "Kakashi! How dare yo-"


The two shinobi froze and turned to the trembling Hinata, her eyes hidden by her bangs, "I would never want him to be forced into something he doesn't want. I'm just selfish."

A wave of guilt washed over Kakashi as he realized he took it too far, "Hina-"

"Enough... You've said enough."

With that, Hinata fled out of the room and out of the tower. Leaving a fuming Tsunade and a regretful Kakashi.

Tsunade threw an empty sake bottle at the Copy-nin as she destroyed everything in sight, "Get the hell out!"

Kakashi shunshined to his apartment and sat on his couch, he was alone and left to regret how much of a fool he was.

-Line Break-

Hinata dressed in her new Jounin outfit, she tied her headband around her forehead and parted her bangs so you could see the leaf symbol.

She walked out of the compound and up to Hanabi, "Hanabi-chan... Stay well, go to bed early, eat dinner, and make sure to take care of yourself."

Hanabi nodded and took Hinata's hands, "I will Nee-chan, please come back safe..."

Hinata nodded with a smile and pulled her imouto into a tight embrace, "I will."

Hinata left the compound with her father and Neji, they walked to the village gates, which were surrounded by many departing shinobi and weeping loved ones.

She spotted Kakashi, but turned away and walked to the front of the group.

All of the shinobi seemed hesitant to step out into the beginning of a war, so Hinata used all of her courage and was the first one to step out of the village walls, "We must be brave! For Naruto!"

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