Chapter 10 - Arranged what?

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Author-sama: Hina-bae, do the disclaimer?

Kakashi: Can't you do it yourself?

Hinata: Kakashi-sensei... Don't be so mean...

Author-sama: Grrr... Fine. Shino!

Shino: Author-sama does not, but regretfully so, own Naruto.

(A/N: I'm back!!!! Ugh... That was the longest week of my life... I barely had time to write my story...

Moral of the story: I can't survive without internet...)

Chapter 10 - Arranged what?

It had been about a week since Hinata was sent to her own timeline and word quickly spread around Konoha, the villagers' whispers could be heard everywhere.

'Hyuga Hinata is alive?'

'They say she came from the past... Is it true?'

'Was her death fake?'

They all had questions, but none were answered, but no matter. Hyuga Hinata was alive and well, and they all were ecstatic.

Right now, Hinata was lying on a hospital bed, unconscious, a sleeping Kakashi sitting next to her in a hospital chair. This is how Tsunade found them both, she walked in to check Hinata's vitals, but instead found Kakashi with her. Again.

Tsunade had told Kakashi to go home and rest, but he didn't listen. She knew he loved her and she loved him, she accepted that fact and would support them, even with the age gap.

Tsunade had been having a hard time keeping Hinata's friends out of her hospital room as of late, Naruto, Tenten, and Neji especially. Luckily, Naruto had been sent on a short mission... One less person to to watch out for.

Tsunade could barely contain her own excitement as she had missed the young Hyuga terribly, she was glad to have Hinata home and safe.

But now, she had to do something about Danzo becoming Hokage...


Sasuke looked at Danzo's dead body and smiled manically, suddenly, he felt another presence and turned around to find Sakura standing behind him crying, a kunai in hand, aimed right over his heart.


Sakura jumped and looked at Sasuke with wide eyes, tears still falling. "Sasuke-kun..." Her voice was shaky, her apple green eyes wide, fear swimming in them. Sasuke looked at her in disgust, only one word went through his head.


Sasuke scowled at her and grabbed her neck, causing her to lose her grip on the kunai she held. Sasuke grabbed it and threw Sakura back, he then ran at her, kunai brandished, but she was grabbed out of his reach the blonde Uzumaki. Sasuke grimaced, he was hoping Naruto wouldn't show up..


In Konoha

Kakashi woke up with a slight groan, the sun making him squint his eyes. He blinked the sleep from his eyes and scanned the hospital room he fell asleep in for the third night in a row, Kakashi sighed and ran his fingers through his unkempt silver hair.

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