chapter 2

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After a quick stop to Jimmy John's to grab sandwiches, we head back to the boys' house. The boys continued to warm up to me and we eventually talked about shoes, our favorite songs, our favorite foods and plenty of other things.

When we arrive at the house, I hop out of the car and gather everything I need for tonight.

The boys lead me into the house and everyone but Jack leaves to do their own thing.

"Most of the boys went to charge their phones and shower before the party tonight." Jack tells me while rummaging through the cupboards for a glass.

I nod and set my stuff on the kitchen counter and take a seat.

"Do you have a dress for tonight?" Jack asks looking over his shoulder at me.

"I do, it actually should be getting here pretty soon." I say looking at my watch.

"Great, I'll hang out with you until it gets here." Jack grins at me.

I smile back and try not to think about how fast my heart is beating at this very moment. Jack's smile literally makes my heart skip a few beats every time I see it.

Daniel comes into the kitchen a few minutes later with wet hair and tells Jack that he can have the shower. Jack leaves and so I'm left alone with Daniel until everyone else is done.

"So, who's your favorite boy so far? It'd better be me." Daniel asks me jokingly.

"Well, I'm not going to lie but it's definitely Jack." I say laughing.

Daniel starts to pout once he hears my response and I can't help but laugh even harder.

"I wish I could say I'm surprised but I'm really not, I kind of knew you were a Jack girl somehow." Daniel says winking at me.

"Oh really, and what makes you think I'm a Jack girl?" I say as I fold my hands over my chest defensively.

"I don't really have an explanation, I somehow just feel it." He says shrugging his shoulders.

Before I can even reply, the doorbell rings and Daniel goes to answer with me tagging along behind him.

As I had expected, my dress had arrived. Daniel grabs my dress for me and thanks the lady who dropped it off.

"Here you go." Daniel says as he hands over the dress, "there's a bathroom down the hall to the left where you can get all fancied up to knock Jack's socks off."

"I feel like that's going to be pretty hard to do." I say laughing as I walk down the hallway with my dress and bags in tow.

My dress is a black dress with a high neckline and beading all over and my heels are plain black pumps. I try to fix my hair the best I can because my straightener is currently at my hotel room. I check myself in the mirror one last time and call it good. As I walk out of the bathroom and back into the kitchen, I notice all the boys are looking at me.

"What?" I innocently ask them.

"You...look...amazing." Jack says stumbling with his words.

I feel my cheeks start to heat up as I blush at the compliment from Jack.

I notice that Jack has some trouble putting on a tie so I immediately go over to him to help him fix it.

I start to realize just how close I actually am to Jack halfway through helping him fix his tie.

Once again a blush creeps up my cheeks.

"Thanks." Jack says when I finish fixing his tie. I notice that his cheeks are a little red too. Maybe he has a crush on me? No, that couldn't be....

"Hey guys! The limo is here to pick us up! Let's go!" Jonah announces from the front door breaking up my thoughts.

I give Jack a little smile then walk out the door to the limo.

Jonah politely opens the door for me to get in the limo while the other boys pile in after me.

Jack decides to sit next to me on the way to the party.

"Can I ask you a question?" Jack leans over to quietly ask me.

"Of course!" I whisper back.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Jack asks.

"Why'd you like to know?" I question him in return.

"Well, I'd like to dance with you tonight and I didn't want to if you had a boyfriend." Jack replies.

"Nope, I'm single!" I say as I grin at Jack.

"Great." Jack smiles and winks at me.

My heart starts to feel like it's doing flips after Jack smiles. I realize it's going to be a very long night for me.


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