chapter 11

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1 week later

"Boys! Let's go! Your flight leaves in three hours!" I yell up the stairs at the boys.

All five of the boys come rushing down the stairs lugging their stuffed suitcases.

"Woah! Slow down!" I say hoping none of them run into me. I'm still a little unsteady on crutches ever since I didn't have to use a wheelchair anymore.

"Sorry sweetheart." Jack says kissing me on the cheek then rushes off to grab something else he forgot.

Jack and I both agreed we didn't want to start anything right before he left for tour but that doesn't stop him from constantly peppering me with kisses, not that I mind.

The bedroom that I used to use is now cleared of all my stuff which is currently at Elise's flat.

She and Jonah would make such a cute couple but they also agreed not to start anything until tour is over. Elise and I decided that we would surprise the boys on August 5th in LA. It seems like such a long time to wait, but she promised it would be worth it when we surprised them.

Elise ordered a Marais 1/5 shirt just for the concert and she also got me an Avery 1/5 shirt too. We still aren't for sure if I'll be on crutches at the time but we are still going to go no matter what.

"Boys! Let's go!" I tell the boys leaving the house.

They all rush out of the house and stuff their luggage in the back of the car then climb in. I climb into Elise's car with her and she drives us to the airport where we will leave the boys.

It takes us a little over thirty minutes just to get to the airport and get the boys checked in.

Jack comes over and sits beside me. He grabs my hand and leans his head on my shoulder.

"I wish I didn't have to leave you. You promise you'll FaceTime me every night and text me every day?" He asks even though we've already went over this multiple times.

"Jack, I already said I would." I remind him.

"I know, I know, I'm just making sure you'll be okay." He says.

The next thing I know, the boys' flight is being called and dread fills my stomach.

Jack softly pulls me up to my feet carful of my crutches and hugs me. He leaves a kiss on my cheek before pulling away. He pulls back and I see tears in his eyes and I feel myself start to tear up. I told myself I wouldn't cry but so much for that.

Corbyn comes up to me next and pulls me into a big hug.

"I'll miss you little sis. I'll be sure to watch after Jack and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.' He says.

"Thanks Corbyn, I'll miss you" I say about to cry.

"Bec, it's time for us to go." Jack says interrupting Corbyn's and my hug.

Elise and I stand there and watch the boys leave. Jack turns around and waves to me and I wave back. I'll see him on tour soon but it feels like I won't be seeing him in forever.

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