chapter 3

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As we pull up to the party in the limo, I start to feel nervous. I've never been to a huge party like this before in my life.

Jack recognizes my nervousness and reaches over and links my fingers through his which sets off a series of butterflies in my stomach.

"Everything is going to be fine." He smiles and tells me, "just relax."

I nod and the next thing I know, it's time to get out.

Jack keeps a firm grip on my hand while we exit the limo and walk up the steps toward the party.

I'm in complete awe at all the lights and decorations that this party has. It's all so mesmerizing and pretty.

A server takes down our names and leads us to our table. I'm seated right next to Jack and Daniel at the table and Jack pulls my chair out for me.

I smile and thank him feeling myself blush.

We quickly get served dinner and the servers are rushing everywhere around us trying to reach other tables.

I finish my meal a few minutes after Jack does and he catches my eye and says,"do you want to dance?"

"Right now? People are still eating!" I reply surprised.

"So? Live in the moment, do something random!" He tells me.

After quietly thinking about it for a few minutes, I decide to take the risk and dance while everyone else is still eating.

Jack smiles at me and grabs my hand pulling me to the dance floor while people stare at us.

"People are staring at us." I whisper to Jack.

"Everything will be fine." Jack whispers back then twirls me around.

I laugh and we continue dancing and eventually everyone else joins in. I continue dancing with Jack and I lose track of time while I'm encircled in his arms.

After dancing with Jack for a few more minutes, I excuse myself to go take a seat and catch my breath. Dancing is really hard work.

A nice old lady comes up to me as soon as I take a seat and introduces herself.

"Hi! My name is May, I noticed you and that boy dancing and I couldn't help but notice much fun you two were having. It seems like you two really like each other." May tells me.

"Oh, we aren't a couple or anything though...." I tell her trailing off.

"Oh darling, you don't have to be a couple to enjoy each other's company." She tells me before walking into the crowd of people dancing. I sit and ponder what she may have meant but I have no idea. Weird.

"Do you want take a walk with me?" I look up to see Jack in front of me holding out his hand.

"I would love to" I say as I slip my hand into his. Electricity shoots up my arm and into my stomach and I feel myself blushing just by holding his hand.

Jack leads me out of the party and into the cool air of the night (smooth step😂).We walk hand in hand in silence for quite some time before he speaks up.

"When will you be going back home?" He questions me.

I'm a little taken aback by the question seeing as how I didn't think he knew I live in a completely different state.

"I leave to go back in three days." I tell him.

"Oh, well, we'll just have to make the most of those three days then." He winks and tells me.

We both start to laugh and I hear voices a few feet ahead of us. I look around and realize we haven't exactly been walking in the best neighborhood.

"Jack," I whisper,"I think we should go back...."

Just as I say those words, I hear someone scream and then a gunshot rings out. I feel a sharp stinging pain in my leg then everything goes black.


Hi everyone! :) hope everyone is having a great day and enjoying this story! I would love it if you could tell me what you think so far! I will be getting a new chapter up as soon as I can! :)

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