chapter 13

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I'm woken up early the next morning by my phone ringing. I lean over to my bedside table and unplug my phone. The time on the clock reads 8 o'clock meaning I have two hours before I have to go to work. I click the green phone icon and answer it.

"Hello?" I say into the receiver.

"Hey, sis. It's Corbyn. Sorry if I woke you up. I just wanted to ask you if you maybe wanted to come to one of our shows sometime." Corbyn says.

Crap. I really wanted to surprise the boys and not just have them know that I was coming to a show.

"Uh.. I don't know, my crutches might make it really hard to get around in the crowd.." I tell Corbyn trying not to give away the surprise.

"You won't have to be in the crowd, you can watch from backstage. The boys and I already talked it out." he says.

"I don't know Corbyn.....I don't want to be a distraction or in the way of you guys." I reply hoping he won't ask anything else.

"It's okay Bec, I understand." Corbyn says disappointedly.

"I'm sorry Corbyn, I don't want to be a burden to you guys." I say.

"But you wouldn't be!" Corbyn says sounding a little angry," you wouldn't be in the way of anyone. And if someone thinks you are in the way, you just tell them to come talk to me and I'll take care of them."

"Thanks Corbyn, you're a great "brother", but I still feel like I'll be in the way of everyone. I don't want everyone making a big deal if I'm there." I say.

"Okay, I'll tell Jack I tried so hard to get you to come. He's going to be really disappointed." Corbyn says sadly.

Corbyn hangs up before I can even say anything else. I feel really guilty for turning his offer down but I know that surprising them will be better and I'll hopefully be off crutches by then.

Jack sends me a text soon after Corbyn calls and if I wasn't already feeling guilty, I am now.

J: Corbyn told me what happened. I wish you didn't feel like you are a burden to us. We would love to have you with us on tour but if you feel like that, don't even bother trying to come.

He doesn't want me to come...? I send him a text back.

B: What do you mean you don't want me to come?

J: If you think that you're going to be a burden to us then don't come. I don't want to have to deal with your attitude if it's going to be like that.

B: What in the world...? My attitude? Just because I don't want to get in your way means I can't come and see you on tour?

J: You wouldn't get in the way Bec, that's just it. You think you will but you won't. Please just come to one of our concerts. If I have to pay for your plane ticket, I will. Just please think about it.

B: I thought you didn't want me coming on tour.

J: I didn't mean it that way.

B: Yes, you did Jack. You don't want me to come on tour, that's fine. I guess I won't surprise you.

J: What?!?! You were planning on surprising us?!?

I ignore Jack's text and decide to get ready for my photo shoot. My phone keeps ringing off the hook when ever Jack tries to call me but every time I ignore it. I'm so mad at him right now for basically saying he doesn't want me to come on tour.

By the time I'm ready for work, Jack has sent me over twenty messages and has called me at least fifteen times. I've ignored all his calls and text messages and Corbyn has even tried calling me too which I've also ignored.

By the time I reach work, I turn my phone completely off so I can focus and not worry about everything else that is going on.

After a long day of photo shoots, I'm exhausted and I haven't given much thought to the whole situation with Jack. I have no idea what I'm even supposed to do to make this whole thing better. With my luck, I'll probably end up making it worse.

When I get up to Elise's flat, she's already waiting for me at the door.

"Jack told me what's going on. He really feels bad for what he said and he wants you to call him." Elise says, "I know that your phone's off because I tried calling you. Jack's really worried about you."

"I know, I just need some time, we haven't even been talking for a month and we're already in this huge fight. What does that say about the future of our relationship?" I ask Elise.

"Jonah and I get into little petty fights all the time, we always find a way to figure it out though. I can never stay mad at him for long." she says.

"You're right, I should probably call Jack." I say realizing what I have to do. I need to apologize to him.

I turn my phone back on and I'm greeted by more text messages and call from Jack. One in particular catches my eye though.

J: Going on stage soon. I guess I'll talk to you later if you want. Maybe not...


I actually really enjoyed writing this chapter!! I probably should have waited for a few chapters until I added all the drama into the story but I couldn't help myself :) Whooppssss..... haha. Hope you all enjoyed!!

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