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     We land on to the rock hard dirt with a loud thud. The impact dents the bottom of my bike and my heart drops. It was the only thing I had left that was keeping me sane. The damage was not that bad considering the fact that we had hit a couple trees along the way. As I attempt to get up, the girl in front of me does not move. I push her off and her limp body lands on the soft grass. I look back at the bridge and notice that the view is being blocked by trees. We were in a forest.
     "Mmmm...," I snap my head back towards the girl who was now had a hand on her head.
     It took me every ounce of strength to not leave her there. I wanted to so bad, but something was keeping me back. Something in my brain was telling me not today. It made me feel uneasy. I grunt out of frustration and sit on a nearby rock. Who the hell is this girl and what does she want from me?
     "Hey, Daryl," the girl calls me by my name. My heart skips a beat, but I choose to ignore the sensation. She sits up and looks straight at me. "Are you mad?"
     I don't say anything. I didn't want to say anything. I look away and turn my head in the other direction. This was all too much for me to handle. As I stare at the dark brown soil and contemplate weather or not I should say anything, a feel arms wrap around my waist. Instantly, I freeze. This was not something I was used to.
     "Please, don't be mad at me," I could feel her hot breath against my sensitive neck. She rests her chin on my shoulder. "Well..."
     She lets her sentence trail off as she jerks out of position. I immediately miss the warmth of her body. She has an effect. An effect...on me. I remain calm and decide to not face her. After all, I can't seem to look at her without feeling giddy. The girl walks towards a tree and looks up. She squints her eyes and then smirks.
     "Jenna, I know you're up there. You can't hide from me," she yells and catches the attention of walkers within a mile radius.
     I slap my palm against my face. They are coming, slowly. I can hear it. The sounds of walkers are heard and they are getting closer every second. I get up, climb on to my bike and grab the axe. Looking back, I see the smaller girl whose name is Jenna climb down the tree. She looks at me and runs toward my direction.
     "No, let me take wheel. I found a camp," she states and holds on to the handle of my bike.
     "How can I trus' you?" I challenge and look directly in to her eyes with a cold, blank stare. 
     "Who else is there to trust?" she replies with a hint of annoyance.
     "Mysel'," I respond and start up my engine.
     I feel something jump on to the back of my motorcycle and I turn my body around to face whoever or whatever it may be, axe ready in hand. It was the girl. A walker comes from the right and makes it's way to us. I give the axe a quick strike and down it goes along with a tree branch that I had accidentally cut. As I was occupied with killing the walkers around us, I suddenly notice that the trees were moving.
     "Wher' the hel' we goin'?" I spit.
     "Camp. A certain camp with a RV, food, water and everything you need for survival," Jenna says, driving us towards the middle of nowhere.

TWD: Just Another Reason to Hold On (Daryl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now