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     "What ar' you plannin' to do with that ma'ch?" I ask.
     "Let's light this whole mother-," she begins.
     "Knock, knock!" a man raps quickly on the wooden door before opening it. The girl rushes to place the match back in her pocket, but drops it instead. I place my foot on it to cover up and she looks at me with a perplexed expression. "I found this interesting weapon."
     He pulls out an axe and the girl's jaw drops. Satisfied with her reaction, the man blows on the blade before wiping it down with his shirt. She looks at him with a disgusted look written across her face and he raises an eyebrow.
     "You didn't like that, did you?" he presses and does it again. This sets my girl on fire, eyes filled with anger.
     "Girlie, here," I whisper and bend down to pick up the match when he was distracted with looking at himself through the axe's reflection.
     "Thanks," she responds and strikes the match against her teeth. Damn, that was hot.
     "Where the hell did you get that from?" the man sounds alarmed as she approaches him closely.
     "Nowhere special," she replies and I quickly run to shut the door behind him, causing the room to plunge in to anticipated darkness, the only source of light being from the small window and the flame. "There you are."
     I watch as the man burns to death. First, it was his clothes that feast on the fire. The material fuels the hungry blaze, causing the rest of his body to forfeit and contribute to what was once a small flicker of light. Thick, gray smoke fills up the room rapidly and exits through the window. This was a signal for both of us. It's time to leave. I pick the girl up and was about to kick open the door when she yells.
     "Wait! My axe," she hops off and begins searching for her prized weapon. I hear the footsteps of multiple people begin growing louder.
     "Girlie, we ain't got enou'h tim'," I warn and she yelps in surprise when a distinct metal sound was heard.
     "Found it," she says and I proceed to open the door.
     The girl follows hot on my tail and I dodge the bullets of nearby enemies. She swings her axe around like a maniac and I could hear the thuds of bodies dropping dead all around me. A smile creeps on to my lips.
     "The fire! Control the fire! Forget the hostages!" a man yells over the commotion.
     I whip my head in his direction and find him holding on to something that doesn't belong to him. I quietly attack him from behind, landing a punch on the back of his head. He turns around pointing my own weapon in my direction. 
     "That ain't yours," I tell him.
     "But I like it," he retorts.
     "I do too," the girl speaks up and strikes him right on the head, splitting it in to two. She then collects the object and hands it over to me. My crossbow.
     "I'd like to take that back," another man pops out of no where, ready to pull the trigger.

TWD: Just Another Reason to Hold On (Daryl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now