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     The shot glides right past her ear and leaves a bit of a cut. Furious, I shot an arrow right through his skull and he falls down. I rush to my girl's side and she keeps her eyes shut, continuously mumbling.
     "Shh...," I whisper. "It's alrig't."
     Slowly, her eyes flutter open and relaxation fills her face. She plants her interest towards the ground and sighs. I take her hand and press her up against a nearby wall. She looks at me in alarm, wondering what I'll do next. Her innocent expression causes my heart to speed up and every inch of my body was longing for the taste of her sweet lips. Her touch. I need it. I crash my lips on to hers and she takes it in for a moment before responding. Her small hands travel up my back and reach my hair. She playfully tugs on it and I smile. Dropping my crossbow from the sudden urge, I place my hands on to her waist and hoist her up, lips still moving in sync. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a walker travelling down our path. 
     "I'll take care of it," she breaths in to my ear, breaking the kiss. When the ugly creature came a bit closer, she detaches it's head from the body using her weapon. "Told you."
     Smirking, I look back in to her magnificent eyes and continue from where we left off. She wraps her legs tighter around my waist and I push her aggressively in to the bricks behind her. The kiss becomes more urgent and she passionately goes deeper while I remain rough.
     "What on Earth did I just walk in on?" a woman says. The girl shoves me off her and I swiftly pick up my crossbow. We both turn to face the direction of the sound. I withdraw my weapon when I realize it's only Jenna. "Chill, we've got to get moving. The sun will set any moment now and the fire is attracting walkers."
     "How did you find us?" the girl asks. 
     "The trail of dead bodies lead me here," she says. "Follow me."
     I look at my girl before we both tail Jenna. She expertly guides us through mazes of buildings and roads. Along the way, the people of Terminus rush with buckets as an attempt to put out the fire. The girl snorts at the sight because we both knew it was pointless. It's too late for that. Finally, we reach the entrance where Rick and the gang were waiting.
     "Took you long enough," Glenn says. 
     "Where were they?" Carol asks out of sheer curiosity.
     "I found them kissing in a dark alleyway," Jenna blurts out and my girl fails to clamp her hand over her mouth in time. Both of our faces turn scarlet out of sheer embarrassment and she covers her face with her hands while I look down at the floor.
      "What the hel'?" Merle exclaims and I could feel him burning holes in to skin from the glare he's giving me. "With her?"
     "Whoops, I've said too much," Jenna says hurriedly and searches the eyes of other group members for help.
      "Never mind that, what happened to your ear, sweetie?" Carol asks and I notice it. My girl's ear was bleeding.

TWD: Just Another Reason to Hold On (Daryl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now