Thirty one

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My dad, my mom and I are sitting in the waiting room of Laura's building.
I'm honestly nervous even though I know it's going to go well.
I know I'll be going with Shawn and auditioning for the TV show roll that I'm apparently 'destined' for. I've looked at the script a few times it seems really good.
"Lindsay? Laura will see you all now." Laura's assistant calls us and all three of us stand up and head into her office.
Her office is large and full of colour, which really shows she isn't boring I guess.
"Take a seat you guys." Laura smiles at us warmly and we sit down. "So we are here to discuss Lindsay going on tour with Shawn Mendes, her big break roll and her education." Laura explains even though we already know. My parents just nod their heads at her. "Great, let's get straight to the point. Here's what I think would be best; if we contact her school right away and I'll sort out the online school arrangements. You can get the final say in that part of course. If the school believe she should do the first term then we really cannot make the TV show work as shooting is in New York. It's a short TV show only twelve episodes and it's only going to take a month of shooting but you'll be there from 4am till 8pm. It's a long day but all worth it.
Touring with Shawn, she'll be gone from the tour for that month but with the way it works out Shawn is touring during all of that month. You two can somehow meet up during then with your own arrangements. She may go on tour with Shawn but if there are any other rolls or anything and she needs to fly home, she cannot let being away from Shawn stop her. She needs her career to kick off and her time has finally come. If there is anything you disagree with please let me know now." Laura finally stops babbling and my parents seem like they're deep in thought.
"Yes it all seems fine. We just need to sort out the school really." My dad says and my mum agrees.
"There are just some contracts to be signed regarding everything from today, we can read through them." Laura smiles as she passes the papers to us. "Any questions?" She asks and no one speaks up. "Good." I hear her mumbling under her breath.
After three long hours, everything is sorted out with my school.
I don't have to go back, I can go straight to the tour with Shawn.
Laura has spoken to the producers of the TV show and I don't even have to audition for the roll. I automatically get it which I don't really like since I haven't even worked much for it.
Mom said she'll pack all of my clothes and other things that are still in Toronto and bring them to here in the next few days.
Everything has gone perfectly so far and I couldn't be any happier.
"I can't wait to go on tour." Shawn sighs contently and I smile at him. We've been at the park for the last twenty minutes just talking about everything and anything.
"You'll finally get to meet your fans from around the world." I say and he nods his head.
"It's so crazy isn't it?" He chuckles and I agree with him.
After a while more of talking, Shawn walks me home.
"Goodbye. I love you." Shawn says and gives me a peck on the lips.
"Goodbye I love you too. I'll text you later, I'm just going to FaceTime Melony as I haven't actually seen her face in so damn long." I chuckle.
We say goodbye another time before I actually go inside.
I say hello to my family and run upstairs.
I switch on my phone and plop onto my bed.
I text Melony asking her to FaceTime and she replies with an 'okay'. I ring her and immediately she answers.
"Hey girl!" She smiles into the phone at me and I smile back.
"Hey!" I say to her.
"So, explain everything that's happening with tour, school and everything." She tells me and I begin to tell her it all.
"Gosh, I am not going to survive without you. I might as well drop out." She jokes and I laugh at her. "No, I seriously will not be able to survive without you. I mean, senior year. Imagine we won't be together for our final year of school. I'm so so excited and proud of you though." She tells me and I nod my head. Everything she has said is true.
"I'm allowed come back for prom and graduation day." I tell her and she squeals.
"So yes you are finishing school with me!? I'm happy now!" She laughs and I laugh along with her.
"I haven't even thought about who I'm gonna bring to prom. No one from our year anyway unless I'm dating one of them by then." Melony sighs. "You'll be bringing Shawn, I may as well bring Ryan if I have no one by then." She tells me.
"Yeah you'll have a date don't worry, it's so far away anyways." I assure her and she agrees.
After a few hours of talking we both have to say goodbye.
Melony has made me realise how sad it actually is not being in school as much as I hate it. I mean, no more parties to go to, no more lunch time bitching and messing around with the girls, no more ice hockey games to go to, no more cheerleading comps, no more dealing with teachers in a good and bad way, I won't see everyone everyday.
No more school life. At least I'll be allowed go to prom and graduate with my year.
I sigh and switch off my bedroom lights and fall fast asleep.

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