Tim Drake x reader

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H/l = hair length
H/c = hair color
Y/n=your name
L/n=your last name
Sh/n= super hero name
E/c= eye color
F/w= favorite weapon

^for those who need it throughout the book!

Y/n's pov

'Holy shit I messed up,' I thought. I was on a mission when I was fighting Joker with Red Robin I used my f/w but it hit Red Robin instead. He fell to the ground unconscious. Batman took after Joker and Nightwing and Red Hood grabbed Red Robin and carried him to batcave.

When we got there, Alfred decided to have Bruce take him to his room so Alfred could take care of him.

~small time skip~

Alfred finished taking care of Tim and told us that he is resting.

"It's alright y/n he's fine" Dick said while taking his mask off. I sighed in relief.

"And I thought I was the one that's supposed hurt people" Jason said while reloading his guns.

"Shut up Jay it doesn't help" I said.

"Suit yourself, cupcake" he replied.

"Fuck you" I said.

"What time" he asked.

"You're disgusting "

"And you're hot"

"You're both too loud" a voice said. I turned to see Tim coming into the cave and walking towards us.

"Tim! I'm so sorry please forgive me." I begged.

"It's alright y/n, it's nothing." He laughed.

"See like I said. He's fine." Dick stated again.

"Good now that Drake is awake, we can train together." Damian said while fixing his glove.

"Don't you have homework, demon?" Jason asked.

"Don't you have to disappoint father some more?" Damian clapped back.

"Why you little-!"

"Hey hey! Calm down Jason," I said while getting in front of him. He stepped back a bit. "You too can bond while helping Damian with his homework."

"What?!" Jason and Damian said in unison.

"You heard the lady. Go be besties in the other room," Dick said while pushing them both away to the elevator. "Well I have a date with Kori in two hours so I'll be leaving too. See you guys later!" Tim and I both waved them all goodbye.

"So uh y/n." Tim started saying.

"Yeah Tim?" I asked.

"Are you doing anything for the rest of the day?"

"No why?"

"Uh! Well I was just wondering- wait! I wanted to know if...ah hell just get it over with Tim!" He said to himself.

"Are you okay Tim?"

"No! Yes! Wait! Damn it."

"Take a deep breath and start over. You could also take your time." I stated while taking his hand in mine. He looked at me and blushed a bit. He took a deep breath in and let it all out.

"I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to go watch the meteor shower tonight?" Tim asked. I smiled at him.

"I would love to, Tim." He smiled at my response and hugged me real close.

"Yes thank you!" I giggled at his actions. He pulled away giving me the chance to kiss his cheek. He blushed madly, making me laugh a bit and also him laughing along me.

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