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A heavy silence filled the room. No one dared to breathe let alone to talk. They have failed the mission, again. And they knew this will upset the one above, there will be serious consequences.
Everyone was standing still just waiting for the messenger to speak, Tik-Tak. They can already tell from his expression that he is mad.

"Well, I'm really disappointed in you guys" it was the first time Tik-Tak talked since we arrived here. "If two of our most powerful angels have failed their mission then we cannot blame the beginners".

We lowered our heads in shame, Tik-Tak was definitely right. We should be an example of good leaders to the beginners angels. Each angel has a mission to achieve and if you fail at it... well, let's just say a disaster will happen.

"Tik-Tak give us a second chance" I pleaded. There's no way we will fail our mission. No way. "I promise we will success this time, please Tik-Tak"

"A SECOND CHANCE?" His angry voice echoes in the room. "You do realize this is no game, right?"

"Please Tik-Tak, give us another chance!"

Once again the heavy silence filled the room as we waited for him to speak. "You two go outside and think about the horrible thing you did while I go and see what the higher power decision is" with a snap of his fingers he disappeared in thin air leaving us staring at each other.

We sat down at the floor facing each other without saying anything. I mean what's there to say? They will never give us a second chance and now we need to prepare for the worst. "Don't think too much about it darling, they will give us another chance" Nicolas, my soulmate said. Or as I call him, Nico.

He never fails to maze me with his faith. No matter how bad things look, he will always stay positive, believing in the light that will destroy the darkness one day. There are times just like now, where I start to loose hope but thanks to him I will always remember to search for the light.

"What makes you so sure Nico?what if they don't agree on a second chance?" I hugged my legs tight in fear of the unknown next step. Will this be the end?

"Because I'm pretty sure not even the higher power are ready to face the darkness" pulling me close to his body before looking me straight in the eyes. "Trust me on this one"

We stood up in a hurry when Tik-Tak reappeared in the room. I was trying to keep positive attitude but it was hard to do such a thing with his unreadable expression. Taking deep breath I prepared myself for the worst.

"The higher power had decided, you will be given a second chance" facing Nico who had this smile on his face as if telling me I-told-you-so before I turned my attention back to Tik-Tak. "But of course, there will be punishment for your failing. Let me tell you something, I do believe the ones who are up there are doubting you at the moment. So My suggestion is, if you want to keep their trust you better not fail this time too"

"What's our punishment?" Nicolas asked the one question I'm fearing it's answer.

"You will get separated when we send you back in time. You will have to search for one another and let's pray it won't take you long before you find each other. After all we do not want to waste our time"

They want to separate us? They can't do that! "They can't do that! It will be as a part of your soul is missing. How do they think we will be able to focus on the mission like that?"

"I'm sorry Mia, but a lesson must be learned" he said with a sad smile. "Remember some of the chosen ones has power while some don't, after all we are normal human beings, some are more special than the other. Your mission is to find them before the time is over. And before you leave, I will give you this necklace Mia. It's an angel's tear. This necklace will help you to know who are the chosen ones"

I looked at the ice cyan colored glaze before putting the silver chain around my neck letting it rest just slightly above my chest. "How will it helps me to find them?"

"That's for you to find out and now it's time for you to go. Do not disappoint me this time" with a swift motion of his hand the portal appeared on the wall. "Good luck angels, you will need it"

We stood in front of the portal facing each other before our lips met in heated kiss.

"I love you, Mia"

"Love you too Nico"

After one last burning kiss and a fierce hug we stepped into the portal heading for the unknown.


A/N: I got the inspiration to write this from my favorite tv show. Hope you like it :)

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