Chapter 11

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Weeks had flown by and before they know it a month has passed already.
During this month a lot of things happened. The kids were finally experiencing the true meaning of a loving family. The true meaning of what a home should be like.
At the Pawrs, they are getting unconditionally love. Never in their life they had so much fun, laughed that much matter of fact.
They would get anything they ask for, just like a few days ago the Pawrs surprised Grace, Liam, Ariana, Pual and Ricky with new cellphones since they didn't own one.
They wanted them to feel equal with the rest.

Everything was going perfect until two weeks ago, the Pawrs noticed how Ariana was acting weird, she would disappear in her room all day long only getting out when it was truly necessary. The whole thing with Mrs. Fray was getting on her nerves. And the Pawrs couple can tell, Ariana soon will loose it.

They hoped things won't get to this, and Mrs. Fray hopefully would give them her decision. Sadly, they haven't heard anything from her yet.

"Nicolas, Mia" Amelia appeared at the office door. "It's Ariana. You should come NOW"

Both grown ups ran after Amelia until they reached the shared bathroom between the boys and girls wings. They tried to keep a calm face but that soon disappeared with the wind when they heard something crashing inside followed by Ariana's screams.

Mia was getting worried sick, she couldn't take it anymore. "Ariana, sweetheart. Open the door" she tries to go in but the door was locked. Panning on the door, she tries again. "Ariana please"

"Chloe go and get me the reserve key. FAST" orders Nicolas.

A few seconds later Chloe reappeared in the room next to Nicolas who takes the key from her hand in a hurry. "Everyone leave the room and don't come here until I say otherwise, Chloe you keep watching over them" Following Nicolas orders, she rushes everyone out leaving the issue for the Pawrs couple hoping everything will be okay.

Nicolas opens the door revealing Ariana who is sitting in the middle of the thrown objects on the floor and pieces of broken mirrors all around with her knees tight to her chest. Sobbing.
With a few steps both Mia and Nicolas sits down next to Ariana, taking her in their arms.

"What's wrong Angel?" Asks Nicolas as he tries to take a look at her face. To no vain. She refuses to look up.

"Please Ariana, you are scaring me sweetheart" Mia says as rubs her hand up and down on Ariana's arm. Finally, Ariana looks up with tears running down her cheeks.

"Please Angel talk to us" Nicolas says.

Hugging her legs tighter, "I can't take this anymore" she mumbles, tears still rolling down her face. "I lov-ve it here w-with you. Everyone else b-been so nice to me. I never k-knew what family truly m-mean before now. Here, I feel like I can be m-myself. No need to pretend. I'm really comfortable a-around you a-and I feel that I can t-talk to you about anything. And the most im-important thing is f-for the very first time I feel loved. I want to s-stay here, I really do. Please don't let Mrs. Fray takes me a-away. I just want to stay here"

"And you shall stay here until you desire other wise" the new voice echoes through the bathroom. None other than Mrs. Fray.

Holding their breath, they waited for Mrs. Fray to continues, hoping that what they heard was true and not some wicked game of their minds. "I do believe I owe you an apology Ariana, I'm sorry. It wasn't in my intention to harm or cause you any kind of pain. But it is my main priority to make sure you are comfortable and happy to live here. And now I know. You have nothing to fear my child"

"How about we go to the bedroom for a talk, hmm? What do you say?" They followed her out of the bathroom with careful steps trying to avoid the sharp pieces of glass.

After an half of hour with Mrs. Fray going through the process, once again. Explaining the difference between being under the care of the Pawrs couple and being legally adopted by them, and how Ariana can cancel the forms if she wishes to. Hailey Frays finally hands them the papers to sign. With a 'good luck Ariana' and 'wish you the best' Mrs. Fray left the Pawrs mansion.

They finally felt at peace, the chosen ones under their care at last. Now they can give them the love and a the family they all have missed on. And step by step they will prepare them for their destiny. To face the darkness.

"How about we go to the mall and buy a new paint and decorations for your bedrooms? What do you say guys?" Suggests Mia as they enter the living room.

"What happened with Mrs. Fray" Chloe tried to be patient but she couldn't. She just wants to know what's going on.

"We got the custody of Ariana too" Nicolas says. Smiling from ear to ear.

Hearing the good news, Grace ran to Ariana embracing her tightly as she jumps on the spot from her happiness, while everybody else cheered and clapped saying their congratulations to Ariana.

"Okay everyone, here's the thing" The kids attention was instantly on Mia as she speaks. "Since it's a new start, new beginning, new everything. I do believe we should go to the mall and buy new things for the bedrooms. You have thirty minutes to change. Go"

Everyone was running in the bedroom direction to get ready. No wanting to be late. As the girls was stopped by Nicolas voice. "You girls better dress decent. Any revealing clothes and you will stay here, understood?" The girls nods before going on their way.

After long hours of hard work and some goofing around creating a mess thanks to Paul who started paint war. At first Nicolas didn't know if he should be pissed off at the mess that was created or be happy that everyone was getting along, and before he knew it, he joined the boys throwing that paint every while laughing in pure joy. They have finally finished the work.

Ariana was standing away watching everyone decorating his own corner. She stares at the naked tiffany blue wall not knowing what to do now. Mia tried to give her some ideas when they were at the mall but Ariana just simply refused. She isn't a big fan of this sparkly things or any other kind of decorations.

"Here" Ariana stares at the black marker in Mia's hand. Trying to understand what she wants.

"What's that for?"

"Go ahead and write anything you want on the wall. Anything you want" pushing the marker in Ariana's hand. Mia gives her a reassuring smile as if telling her everything will be okay. She has nothing to fear.

Ariana glances at Mia with uncertainty. Was it really okay? She won't get mad? Because she knows for sure if she was at her old house, that man would have beaten the hell out of her if she writes at the wall.

"Go ahead and do it. You have nothing to fear sweetheart. I want you to do it" Mia says.

"Any-anything?" Ariana asks once again making sure it is truly okay.

Mia watches as Ariana takes small steps to the wall, pausing for a moment before she lefts the marker and starts to write something down. She waits patiently until Ariana moves back next to her glancing worriedly at Mia.

"This is my home from now on" Mia reads out loud with thick voice. Trying to control her emotions. "I want you to keep this marker with you and write on the wall anything you want whenever you want" Mia says when Ariana tried to give her the marker back.

"And Ariana" Mia lefts Ariana face so they're looking at each other in the eye. "This is your home sweetheart" she adds with a soft smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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