Chapter 6

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The grownups were sitting around in circle, watching the doctor as he works on sewing the cut on Ariana's leg. "It's done now. The stitches will probably hurt a bit but don't worry about it. It's normal and I will give you some painkiller to help you." He said as he put the tools back inside his bag. "I will see you in ten days to check on the cut and if everything is okay we will get rid of stitches. Just to let you know this will probably leave a scar behind but you shouldn't let it bother you that much. Get well soon" he stands up, shaking hands with Pawrs couple. "Now, if you excuse me" making his way to door.

"Thank you so much doctor" said Mia as they reached the door.

"No need to thank me, just doing my job. As I said before I will be back later to check on her, meanwhile if you see anything out of ordinary don't hesitate to call me" the doctor says again.

"Don't worry doctor, again thank you and have a nice day sir" said Nicolas before closing the door behind the man.

"Nicolas what happened? How did you meet Ariana?" Mia asks impatiently as they made their way back to the living room where Ariana was asleep on the couch and Chloe covering her. "I gave her some of the painkiller earlier and it's not long before she fell asleep" explained Chloe.

"Both of you, follow me" ordered Nicolas and that's exactly what they did. Following him to the master bedroom. No one of the girls said anything, simply waiting. Knowing Nicolas will speak whenever he is ready.

"I'm pretty sure both of you are curious about what happened" he paused for a moment before carrying on. "When Tik-Tak brought us back here, the portal dropped me at the Harb Hill town. It didn't take me long before I realized that you weren't there by my side so I tried to call you but my phone was smashed from the fall and stopped working. So I kept walking until it was night time and I had to check in some hotel to get some sleep. It wasn't until the third day that I found Ariana" Nicolas stands next to the window, gazing outside. A couple moments passed in silence before he started talking once again. "I heard screaming coming from some ally, at first I thought nothing of it and I kept walking with no care because Whatever was going on it was none of my business, but then the screaming just kept on getting louder and louder it was then I knew something was definitely wrong. So I went back, only to find this girl fighting against a man, he was trying to take her with him. I couldn't turn back on something like that so I helped her"

A heavy silence fell upon the room after hearing the new information from Nicolas. "Who was the man? How could he do this?" Mia asks with a shaky voice.

Nicolas swallowed thickly before answering. "From little that I have learned, I could say it was her uncle and from what I saw back then it was obvious it's not the first time he hits her"

Chloe covered her mouth in shock not believing someone can do this to a little girl. She thought back on her past and how horrible and dark it is. Was. but that's all change thanks to the Pawrs couple. Now she has a life she can be proud of to tell her grandchildren one day. So she made a silent promise to help Ariana with everything she gots.

"The kids have us now. And we will make sure they will get the love that they deserve and the life they should live" promised Mia.

"That's it! I knew I can trust you on this one" everyone turned to face Tik-Tak who joined them in the room now. "Those kids been through a lot, some problems might seems like a silly thing to you and some gone through heavy things even for you. It's your job to help them to let go of their past, it might be a bumpy road at first but with a little bit of patience, faith and the most important thing... love. The true kind of love, you will be able to overcome this"

Mia was about to ask Tik-Tak about the necklace thing with Ariana when a voice interrupts their conversation.

"You are one of them, aren't you?"

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