Chapter 8

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The kids were getting along so far. Sometimes they would argue about small stuff, but that's kids for you.
The Pawrs couple still need to hear from Mrs. Fray. They enjoyed staying at the house these days more than the previous ones.
The house felt more alive nowadays, with the kids chattering, laughter even their arguments brought a feeling of joy to the Pawrs. One specific thing they enjoy the most, the feeling of home.

It was around one o'clock in the afternoon, everyone was outside in the yard playing around while Chloe and Mia stayed inside cleaning the house and preparing lunch.

"Any news from Mrs. Fray?" Said Chloe as she enters the kitchen.

"None. Can you please clean the table for me?" And so did Chloe. As the two women were both so caught up with their task, that they didn't notice Tik-Tak standing at the far end in the room.

"You seem busy" Tik-Tak voice rang through the room causing Chloe to drop the knives and the forks from her hand.

"Seriously James stop doing that! I'm too young to die from heart attack" she said, whacking him on the head.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Tik-Tak? I thought you loved me Chloe" he whips an imaginary tear.

She rolled her eyes hearing this. Tik-Tak can be way too dramatic when he wants to be, which happens to be most of the time, sadly. "Just because you can control time and you gave yourself such a nickname doesn't make it your real name blah blah blah"

The amusing scene that was playing between Chloe and Tik-Tak earned a heartfelt laughter from Mia who was getting the food ready. "Until when are you two planning on keeping bickering like little kids? You guys act like drama queens!"

Chloe and Tik-Tak, both gasped at that. Giving her the 'you-did-not-just-say-that' look, as if they couldn't believe she called them drama queens. But to be fair their actions just proved Mia's point. But let's not tell them that or else the world will be at risk of drawing from Tik-Tak's tears.

"What are you doing here Tik-Tak?" Asked Mia as she checked on the rice.

"I just wanted to check on you and how's everyone doing?" Sitting down, crossing his legs, he waited to hear all about what's going on from Mia and Chloe.
Two minutes later, Tik-Tak was sipping his cup of tea as he listened on how the kids were getting along which completely surprised him.
Since they're practically strangers to each other Tik-Tak was expecting some fighting but oh well, it's good to know they are getting along. Besides, it's only the beginning, who knows how will this turn out to be!

"Since we're already talking about this, I want to ask about the necklace and Ariana? What's going on Tik-Tak?" Mia asked curiously about this. The whole thing that happened never left her mind. She tried to search for some explanation but came with none.

"Ah. Well about this I can only tell you one thing, the necklace will keep it self locked around Ariana's neck as long as she lives" pausing for a minute, he continues. "I suggest you keep an eye on them, especially Ariana"

To say this 'especially Ariana' didn't freak Mia out would be a huge lie. Of course, she will keeps an eye on them, there is no doubt in that. But why Ariana? Is she in danger? Is she a threat to the others? No that can't be.

"Why Ariana?" This was definitely driving Mia nuts.

"Let's go see the kids, I want to check on my grandchildren" Tik-Tak said, totally ignoring Mia's question.

As they follow Tik-Tak to backyard, everyone was playing what seemed to be football except for Ariana and Dean who was watching from afar.

"Why are you here and not playing"? said Tik-Tak. As the three adult took seats next to them.

Noticing Ariana scratching the scar on her leg, he told to stop doing it. "You know, I can help you get rid of the scar for you if you want of course"

Ariana eyes widen in shock at Tik-Tak words not believing her ears while Mia and Chloe simply smiled at that. Of course Tik-Tak capable of doing such a thing, he wasn't a higher angel for nothing. Little did they know how much more he's capable of.

"Y-you can really d-do that?" Tik-Tak nods his head at Ariana's soft shy tune.

"I don't think she needs to do that" Dean argued with them. While they just gave him 'the-why-not' look as they waited for him to speak again.

Looking at Ariana in the eye he finally says. "Because to me it's a proof of how strong she is. Even though I don't know the true story behind it, but I see the scar as a proof that she is a fighter, a survivor. And I do believe she should be proud of the scar".

If Tik-Tak was shocked by Dean words he definitely didn't let that show in anyway. He faced Ariana once again. "So...what's your answer after hearing the doctor's word over here?" Pointing at Dean.

Stealing shy glances at Dean who gave her an encouraging smile silently telling her what ever choice she takes everything is going to be okay. "I think I w-will k-keep it, if that's okay" came the answer.

"That's okay by me angel" he said smiling before he engulfs her in his arms. 

The sweet moment was short cut by Nicolas exited voice. "I just got a text from Mrs. Fray she will be here by tomorrow" everyone cheered at that especially Liam who was really excited to call someone 'mom' and 'dad' again. Even if they weren't his biological parents.

With huge smile, Mia announced it was time for lunch knowing for sure everyone was hungry. "Okay, that's enough excitement for today. It's lunch time, let's go inside everyone".

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