Chapter 4

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A/N: please remember that the places in the story are fictional and pure creation of my mind! Also this chapter is shorter from the previous one. Anyway hope you Enjoy :)

"No, not going to happen" Mia's voice echoes through the house. Silencing everyone else.

The kids been arguing about the rooms and where they should sleep. When Jade made a crazy suggestion to just let the girls and the boys share the rooms. But of course Mia was against the idea. After all everyone knows how crazy it could get having teenager boys and girls together. Those wild hormones can make you crazy. After all Mia was once a teenager herself.
So yeah, Mia is definitely not ready for that kind of ride just yet.

"Why not Mia? This is a good idea actually, this way we will get to know each other better" Mila nods her head approving Jade words. She would do anything to stay close to her friends Dean and Ian.

"Absolutely not" Mia said, putting an end to this conversation. "Now you all go to your rooms, the east wing for the boys and the west wing for the girls. God help  me if I find anyone sneaking around during the night, understood? Now everyone go to your room"

Mia kept on watching the kids with a hawk-eyes-like all the while thinking about what to come. Will they be ready on time? Will they have the power and the will to keep on fighting? Because god knows how dark those coming days will be! She's scared they may not be strong enough to face the cruelty of the destiny.

"You will pass out if you keep ongoing like this" Mia jumps a foot in the air at the new unexpected voice in the room.

She puts a hand on her chest trying to calm down her beating heart. "Tik-Tak! A little warning next time will be good. What are you doing here anyway?"

"I'm sorry princess, It wasn't in my intention to scare you but you look worried. Want to talk about it?"

"Yes, but not here" he followed Mia through the hallways until they arrived to the master bedroom in the house, after yelling for Chloe to watch over the kids, as she close the door behind them. Not wanting anyone to hear what they'll talk about.

"So what's going on Mia?"

Taking a deep breath, she finally allowed herself to speak out loud of her fears. "What if we aren't ready on time? To be honest with you I doubt we will. I mean look around you Tik-Tak, I haven't found the rest of them and Nico is still missing. How do you expect us to work this out?"

He mentions to her to sit down next him, so she did. "Listen to me princess, I know this is a lot to take in at the moment and a huge responsibility lays on your shoulders. Believe me, I know. How will this go? How will this end? I don't have the answer for such questions. Will they success? I can't promise you that. What I can promise is this, I will be by your side with every step on the way and you will have my help when it's needed and whenever I can help. But this, this is on you and Nicolas you have to make sure they're ready for what's coming. Now my princess, don't be scared. Im here and so is Nicolas. Have faith" with a kiss on her forehead Tik-Tak was gone.

She stayed still trying to think about the whole thing. She knew of the responsibility along time ago. But she never imagined it will be like this. Never thought it will be this hard. She prepared herself all her life for this, and she thought she had it all planned out. Guess not. This was harder than she thought. After all this not a video game. It's matter of life and death!

She was pulled away from her thoughts by Amelia rushing into the room. "We need to go to Harb Hill town. Now"

"Whoa, calm down honey. What's going on?"

"No time to explain. We need to go. NOW" Amelia rushes out of the house with Mia hot on her tail.

Mia was confused, she was trying to make sense of the situation and what's going on. She tried to think of anything to explain what's going on to no success. and after a few minutes later they found themselves heading to the Harb Hill town with the four owners of the white van, who was kind enough to give them a ride.

"Can you guys slow down a bit? You're going way too fast!" Amelia said, grabbing the seat tightly in fear they might crash.

The boy with the long blond hair behind the wheel laughs at her words. "can't do that"

"And why not?" Mia says. she has a feeling something is going on.

"Because the cops will get us!" Yelled the boy in the seat next to the driver?"

"The cops? Why?" Mia now knew for sure something was on and whatever that is, it's not good.

"Well let's just say, this car isn't exactly ours?!" Shrugged the blonde boy as if what he just said isn't a big deal.

"WHAT? You're telling me you stole this car??"

"Umm... Mia, I know it's not the time but those four guys from us" Ponting to the necklace, "it flew four times, so I guess this is good and bad at the same time" Amelia tells her. After Mia had explained what the necklace is all about. Of course Mia didn't tell them the whole truth. Saying that the necklace helps her to discover those in need of help.

They listen as the police sirens were getting closer and closer with each passing moment. "Pull the car over. NOW"

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