Chapter 10

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A/N: sorry for the late update...

Explaining what happened to the kids was troublesome. They don't know either to laugh or cry. They were able to get everyone under their custody except for Ariana.
As Mrs. Fray insisted that Ariana needs to be monitored, to see how she communicate with the rest of them, how she acts around them. If she is happy to live here or not.
Sometimes Mrs. Fray would give them a head up before she comes while other times she would totally surprise Nicolas and Mia by her appearance at the door step.
'I need to know how is she around everybody else without me spacing around watching her' she explained one afternoon when she showed at the Pawrs mansion with no announcement.

Whenever Mrs. Fray comes to visit she would stay about half an hour then leave. Sometimes just like two days ago she would stay for a whole hour. Which was a rare thing.

To say Ariana was sad and broken when the Pawrs told her about Hailey Fray's decision would be understatement. The girl locked herself in the bathroom for about forty minutes before Nicolas had enough. He tried to give her space at first but after awhile he just couldn't take it anymore he was afraid something would happen to her. So he used the reserve key to open the door and get her out.
She was a mess that's for sure. She didn't understand why Mrs. Fray took such a decision.  She tried to explain as best as she could through her sobbing how she wanted for once to be like everyone else, how she loves it here and how she wants to stay.
Until she fell asleep from exhaustion in Mia and Nicolas arms.

But all of that belongs to the past now. She is still sad, yeah. But at least she's coping.

"Please Nicolas" begged Grace for the tenth time since the morning. She wanted to go out for a little bit. 'I can use some fresh air Nicolas' she explained earlier. But Nicolas wasn't so keen to the idea of letting her out on her own. Who knows what could happen? The streets are a dangerous place.

"Come'n Nico just let her go. We don't want them to think they are locked in. Besides she hasn't been out for a while now, she can use some fresh air" Mia tried to reason with her husband. Because she knows for sure the kids will get upset if they don't have their space. They are human beings and they need some time to themselves too.

And finally, Nicolas gave in under Mia's gaze. He never was able to refuse any of Mia's requests anyway. So he knew from the beginning it was a lost case. "Okay you can go ou-" He got interrupted by Grace loud squealing.

"Let me finish" he says firmly. "You can go out only if you take the girls or one of them with you. Am I clear?"

Grace of course nods her head eagerly at that. She would do anything, anything to go out for awhile. "What would you say if I tell I want to take only one person with me?"

"Who would that person be? Liam, your brother?"

"I love to hang out with Liam. But no Mia, not Liam. At least not this time. I want to have some girls time you know"

Mia smiled at that, she can still remember how much fun she used to had with her friends. So she totally understands. "Go get ready"
The door slams open revealing Grace who has a huge smile on her face. She runs, jumping on the bed next to Ariana. "Up up lazy butt. We are going out"

"Huh? Going out? Nicolas didn't say anything about going outside?" Confusing cast over Ariana's face.

"That's because WE are the ones who are going out. Time to get dressed, meet you at the living room in ten. Okay?" It was an order more than a question as she pulls Ariana on her feet. "Don't be late" Grace shouted as she disappears out of the door.

Opening the closet, gazing at all the beautiful but expensive clothes the Pawrs had bought her a few days ago, trying to decide on what to wear, though the fact that there are a lot didn't make the task any easier. Especially since she wasn't used to any of this. Finally she decided to put on a blue striped ruched sleeve with flared cuffs shirt, white skinny elasticated pants with a nude patent rounded strap heels. Hair in a loose ponytail.
With one last shy look at the mirror, she makes her way to the living room satisfied with her looks. She wasn't sure when it comes to her taste of fashion but she was comfortable wearing them and the clothes look beautiful. So that's definitely a plus. 
She will get used to this high class life style, one day, hopefully.

Ariana approaches the living room where she can see Nicolas and Grace talking. "I-I'm ready"
She says, as she moves closer to Nicolas.

Nicolas gaze lingers on Ariana for a few seconds before he nods his head approving of what she is wearing. "Here's 2000$ dollars for you. Feel free to spend as much as you want"

Both girls were staring at the money with wide eyes, two thousand? This is too much. "This is a lot of money Nicolas, we probably won't even need half of it" Grace says.

Nicolas just waves her off. He knows that's a huge amount of money for simple shopping but he just wants his girls to enjoy. Knowing they probably didn't have the money to do so, he just wants them to enjoy their day even if it means to spend a lot of money on silly useless things, is that wrong? "Nonsense. Spend as much as you want. But first, there are a few rules before you go out, okay?"

The girls nods at that. Of course there are rules. "You aren't aloud to talk with boys, I don't care if you're adults or not but the fact that you're my daughters now, my girls, I won't except for you to date! At least not until you're forty or something. Second thing, it's 2:30pm now you have to be home at 5:00pm sharp, got it? Third, you have to give me an update every time you change place, call, text, I don't care as long as I get an update. Are we clear?" It came out more as an order than a question. But Nicolas didn't really care as long as the rules are clear and obeyed.

"Yes. Except for one problem" Grace says. "We don't have a phone"

"We need to get you one then" Nicolas says as he pulls his phone out, handing it over to Grace after turning the password off. "Here, take my phone for now. Call me on Chloe's phone or Mia's"

The girls was about to leave if it wasn't for Nicolas voice. "Uh uh not so fast girls. I do believe you have forgot something" he says stretching his arms out. Wide open.

It was Grace who doves into his arms first followed by Ariana who also laid a kiss on Nicolas's cheek. "Thank y-you" she says softly.

Nicolas couldn't help himself when it comes to Ariana, she looks so small, so fragile. Only making his desire to protect her stronger. Patting her head fondly, "if anything happens or if you feel overwhelmed, or anything. Tell Grace to call me, and I will come to pick you up"

With last confirming nod from Grace the girls finally leaves.
Nicolas has his suspicions when it comes to Ariana and he is planning to work on it and see what's going on.

After an hour and half of just walking around and checking a few shops. Playing around, asking questions to get to know one another. Before they decide it was time to eat something.
Entering the 'WarmHeart' cafe, they ordered waffles and milkshakes. 

"How about we call Nicolas?" Says Grace as she pulls the phone out of her pocket. Already dialing the number.

It barely gets to ring two times before the line was open.

"Grace?" Came Nicolas voice from the other end.

"Yes Nicolas it's me. We just wanted to tell you that we're at the 'WarmHeart' cafe." She nods her head at something Nicolas said before she realized he can't see her. "Of course, don't worry. We will head home right away. Yeah, just a second" she says, then pass the phone to Ariana. "He wants to talk to you"


"Hey Angel, you okay?" Asks Nicolas.

"Y-yes, I'm ok-kay. Don't worry." Ariana worries her lip as she listens to Nicolas before answering. "Of course, I p-promise. Bye bye" Ariana ends the call as the waiter approaches their table.

"Ariana" Grace stops, not sure if she should ask such a question but she was really curious. "What's your story? I mean how did you end up at the Pawrs place?"

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