Chapter 7

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A/N: I know nothing about law so.... don't read to much into it! Enjoy :)

"Listen Dean, you can't tell anyone about this. Am I clear?" She waits a minute or two for some answer when none was given. She tries again. "Please Dean, you need to trust me on this one" begged Mia.

"But you need to tell them, you have no right to hide this" argued Dean. Obviously not pleased by the whole thing. To speak truthfully he isn't convinced by Mia reasoning. This a huge thing. That need to be known for the rest as well. He can't believe that they actually thought of the possibility to this from everyone else. They don't have the right.

"And we will. When the time is right." Said Nicolas in a firm voice that held no place for more arguments. "And now let's go, we need to talk about something more important with everyone"

Receiving 'are-you-serious' and 'more-important-than-this' look from Dean.

Sighing, Nicolas tries to stay calm. He knows what Dean means and knows that he is right but now wasn't the right time to reveal the truth. "Dean" he warns him.

"I didn't say anything" Said Dean feigning innocence. As he follows the Pawrs couple quietly. He doesn't agree with their way of handling this situation. But he doesn't want to against Nicolas. He can tell that if Nicolas is mad, things won't end up in a pretty way. So for now, he will stay silent about it.

The three of them made their way to the living room where everyone was sitting patiently waiting for them. Nicolas and Mia took a seat opposite from the kids facing them, while Dean took a seat on the floor next to Ian.

"Okay kids we need to talk you about this whole thing. First of all are you sure that you want to stay and live here with us?" After receiving 'nods' and a few 'yes' he counties. "Now that's settled we can call Mrs. Fray to prepare the papers"

"Does this means you are our parents from now on?" Asked Liam. His shining with unspoken hope. He knows he's too old to hopes for a parents or dreams about them. But since his young age he always dreamed about it. He can't help the way he feels. He just wants to be a normal kind with a normal family even though this family wasn't his biological one.

Shaking his head no, Nicolas begins to explain carefully not wanting to hurt Liam. So he decides to go with the truth. "We will legally be responsible for you kids. As in you will be under our name from now on, anything happens they will need to call us first. But you better not get yourselves killed or in any troubles with the police or I swear to god I'm going to kick your assess" he adds jokingly. "But yeah, I guess this will be probably something like a foster family"

Noticing the change in Liam's mood, Mia knelt in front of him, taking his hand in her. "We might not be your biological parents, but now that you are under our wings, you can think of us as friends or parents or whichever you prefer. Know one thing for sure, you can talk to us about anything and everything. If you need a shoulder to cry on, strong but warm loving arms for protection, a hand to help you up whenever you fall down, all of that will be us. We will be there whenever you need us, never letting you go. You have us now." She says, wiping away Liam tears. She looks at each single one of the kids in the eye smiling softly, she counties. "I know at this moment we are still practically strangers. But if we give ourselves a chance to get to know each other and trust one another I know we will become one big happy family in no time." Finished Mia.

"What's make you so sure?" Asked Ariana in a small voice.

Locking gaze with Ariana for a few seconds, Mia finally answers. "Let's just call it a mother feeling"

"You kids talk to each other, or go to your rooms whichever you want to do, but try to get to know one another. While we speak with Mrs. Fray, okay?" Asked Mia.

"Oh and rule number one in this house, behave. All the time or else you will end up grounded and believe me, that's only the beginning. We may not be your biological parents but we sure as hell going to act like one." Said Nicolas with a big smile on his face before taking his wife's hand and making their way to his office.

The kids were talking amongst themselves when a low hiss left Ariana's mouth but said nothing since she doesn't like the attention. Dean, who was next to her of course heard it. "Are you in pain? Is it time for your painkillers?" He asked in a soft voice.

"Y-yeah I will j-just" she was interrupted by Dean's firm no. "You stay still, I will get them for you" dusting his pants off before heading to the kitchen never noticing the pair of eyes that's watching every move of his.

Seeing as everyone was busy, Jade saw this as her chance to leave. Nudging Mila next to her, they left the room quietly and going to the bedroom.

"Close the door behind you" said Jade, and so she did.

Mila watched as Jade held the very much familiar photo in her hands. With a frustrating sigh she flipped herself down on the bed next to Jade. "Jade, Don't get me wrong but why don't you give up on her by now?"

"Because she is family"

"I know Jade. But your mom wasn't exactly..." Mila trailed off leaving the words hanging in the air.

"Look Mila, I know my mom is probably the worst but, she is still family and I promised her" Jade turned to face Mila. "I promised her that I will find her one day Mila and I will keep my promise"

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