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I hurt
like I've got a heart
and that hurts more
because we all know I'm just a whore.
A whore born heartless
which I guess
makes my mess a lot less
of a problem to deal with.

Though I'd be lying if I said it actually made things easier.
In fact it makes my stomach queasier
as I try to stomach to things I've done in the past.
That past where my soulmates only last
a month or two,
give or take a few
days depending on how much they want to use me.
To take over my my hole where a heart should be.

It's is lack of a heart
that got me into trouble at the start.
This vacancy
that they can see
causing all these aches and you can see
I needed a way to get rid of these
phantom pains for something I've never had.
So I took them all to bed,
gave them what they craved,
while they only stayed for days.

Lost inside this need
for something I've never seen.
It always amazes me
how much pain love can bring.
Or is it lust?
Because it's never been an 'us'.
just someone they want for a fuck.
Ready and willing
to be their one and only,
their soulmate till the morning,
and I am left again
with a hole inside my chest that I can never mend.

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