Poor Tragic Little

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This is the story
of a heart
that continued to beat
despite the corpse it was housed in.
Even the doctors
couldn't fathom why
this young
little heart
continued to throb,
pumping blood to a body
that no longer needed it.
Even as the girl
laid on the steel table of the morgue,
she beat.
And she bled.
And she couldn't stop.

Poor tragic little heart
that just couldn't seem to quit.

This is the story
of a little girl
who couldn't die.
Because her heart kept beating along
to a drum that no one heard.
Because she doesn't want to die.
This little girl
who was found
and dead
among blood
that never stopped flowing.
This little girl that no one wants to touch
because she must be cursed.
She must be a witch
with the devil in her heart.

Poor tragic little girl
who only wanted to live.

This is the story
of a time no one wants to remember.
No one wants to remember tiny screams
all that blood.
No one
will tell you of how her heart thumped
and thumped
and thumped
with such an echo that you could hear it
through all of the walls
surrounding the other dead.
No one
is willing to revisit the nightmare
of that little girl.
Who is still so alive
that she can write
with her Morse code beats,
yet dead enough
that she won't ever get up
to translate it out.

Poor tragic little story
that doesn't have a happy ending.
Because the best stories
are true.
And reality never ends well.

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