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There's something aesthetically pleasing about breasts — the way they protrude from a woman's chest and differed in shape, sizes and firmness — and seventeen-year-old Adam couldn't complain as he got an eye full from the Playboy Magazine he'd been skipping through for the past ten minutes — stopping every now and again to appreciate some; specifically the round, perky ones with the rosy pink nipples.

Adam heard the shower stop then heard shuffling on the other side of the room opposite to his.

He skipped a page.

On the page before him spread Ms. April in all her big-boobed, blonde hair and freshly shaved glory, wearing nothing but a tiny string underwear and heels. He bit his lips and traced his hand over the page, wishing he was touching her in real life. Like any normal teenage boy, his cock stirred.

"Adam, sweetheart?" his mother's voice came suddenly, knocking him out of his trance.

"Yeah?" Adam answered, quickly closing the thin magazine and shoving it away. He sat up straighter as his mom came into view.

She stopped at the door.  "I'm not disturbing you, am I?"

He shifted slightly, using his ass to cover the magazine when his mom's eyes fleeted over to it briefly. He cleared his throat.  "Ah, no! What's up?"

She stepped inside and it was then that he noticed her hands behind her back.  "I was wondering if you could help me with this," she started, "I keep trying to fasten it, but the darn thing keeps pulling apart. It's so frustrating!"

Adam swallowed, realizing she was talking about her bra, as she turned.  "Uh..."

"These things are like frigging contraptions sometimes. Maybe you would be better able to secure it from behind?"

Hesitantly, Adam got up from his spot on his bed and made his way over to where the flustered woman was standing, her back turned in anticipation. As soon as he reached her, she let go of the straps she'd held and waited for him to take them. He watched as she reached behind her neck and pulled her damp, brunette hair to the side, probably so that it wouldn't get in the way. In bringing her hand up her bra lifted from her chest and Adam, being a few feet taller than her, caught a glimpse of her areola and firm pink nipples. He quickly averted his eyes.

After a few seconds of fumbling, due to shaky hands, the young boy managed to clasp the straps together. He released a strained breath as his mother sighed and turned to face him with a smile.  "Thanks, sweetheart."

He nodded as a reply.

Peeking around him, she asked, "So, what were you doing?"

"Studying," he said without skipping a beat. It wasn't a total lie. He was studying. The female anatomy!

Satisfied, she pulled her robe up. Adam's eyes were drawn to her smooth legs which were barely covered by the short garment. He blinked and shifted on his feet.

What the fuck's happening to me? He chastised himself in his mind.

"Well then, I guess I'll leave you to it then. I'll let you know when I'm finished with dinner, okay?"

"Okay, Mom," Adam answered and sat back down as she turned to leave.

On her way out, his mom suddenly stopped at a shirt strewn carelessly on the ground and frowned.  "Adam! You really need to clean up this mess!" she yelled, bending over to pick up the item of clothing.

Adam's breath hitched as, in doing so, he got a glimpse under his mother's robe and noticed her underwear.  It was the schoolgirl kind — tiny white ones with lacy frills at the ends. The thing was barely covering her lady parts! And Adam, shamefully, noticed how fat it looked trapped in the thin piece of cloth.

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