two: sigh. pete was right

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I hastily shut my notebook, hiding the secrets inside from Pete Wentz' view. I twist around in my seat and glare at him.

"So, you finally decide to acknowledge my presence." He says cockily.

"Just sit down. I don't need you breathing down my neck. And by the way," I state as Pete takes the seat next to me, "It's not very nice to read someone else's work without their consent."

The boy ignores my comment and slides me a script. It's much shorter than I had expected; only a page long. My heart jumps. Maybe this isn't the page where the kiss happens...?

"Don't try," Pete says when he see's me haphazardly scanning the page, "It's there. 'Saints don't move, even when they grant prayers.'" Pete reads from the script, "'Then don't move when I act out my prayer.' And so they kiss, and the fireworks go off, and they live happily ever after."

"Not really," I argue, "Considering they both die in the end."

Pete shrugs and says, "Anyway, why were you freaking out about the kiss part? Smith says it's not even allowed."

"I'm aware of that."

"So what's the big deal?"

I grind my teeth. "Can we talk about our scene?"

"We are talking about our scene."

"You're such a smartass."


I put my face in my hands and lean back in my seat.

How did I get stuck with such an arrogant asswipe?

"I mean, who's going to be Romeo, and who's Juliet?" I explain after removing my sweaty palms from my face.

"I'll be Romeo. Seems like more fun."

"Fair enough," I shrug.

There's a few minutes of silence while we highlight our lines and read through our scripts before the bell rings. I stuff my script in my backpack and I'm about to walk up to Ms. Smith when Pete intercepts my path.

"Hey," he says, pulling his phone out of his pocket, "What's your number? We should probably figure out when to rehearse outside of school."

"Sorry," I shrug, "I'm switching groups. You're not gonna need my number."

Pete chuckles. "Good luck with that. Smith is stubborn." He offers his phone to me. "Type in your number anyway, because you're probably not gonna be able to get out of this."

I scoff and type in my number, just to get him off my back. He leaves without another word.

I walk up to my drama teacher, nervously tugging on my backpack straps.

She looks up and smiles. "How can I help you, patrick?

I faintly smile back and say, "Hey, so I was wondering if it's possible for me to switch groups-"

"Patrick," she interrupts, "I have worked for hours to hand pick every group and scene in this class. If I were to switch it up, the balance would mess everything up. Plus, I think that Pete is a great influence on you, and he could really bring you out of your shell."

"Miss, me and Pete don't have a very good relationship and I'm not sure if it's a good idea to-"

"Honey, whatever's going on between you two, I'm sure you can settle it if you just talk it out."

This bitch won't even let me finish my sentences half the time, jesus christ.

I say and say a quick "thanks anyway" before turning around and leaving.

Looks like I'm gonna have to find a way to deal with this.

mmm Patrick's so pissy in the first few chapters I love it
Update idk where the moth is
And my cat came in to my room and ate leftover chili from my plate

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