eleven: patrick's huge tits

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On Monday morning, I drag myself out of bed and to school.

The day goes by substantially boring. I don't see much of Pete because we only have two classes together, which is theatre and history. A few months ago, it was a blessing, but now it's just frustrating. Now that Pete's part of my life again, I'd like to actually be able to see him during school.

Before lunch, Pete comes up to me while I'm at my locker.

"Hey. How are you?" He asks.

"Tired. You?"

"Same. Do you want to sit with me and the guys for lunch?"

I contemplate Pete's offer. If i sit with them during lunch, I'll have to interact with Brendon, who I've been seriously avoiding since freshman year, just out of embarrassment.

You're gonna have to face him one day, so why not just do it now?

I smile. "Sure."

Me and Pete enter the cafeteria together and walk towards his table. The table is jam-packed with tons of other junior guys. It seems as if there's only one more space to sit, which Pete immediately takes. I stay standing, not knowing where to go.

After a few seconds, he looks back at me to see I haven't been seated.

"Dude," he says to a boy with vividly red hair, "Scoot over."

I recognize the boy as a guy named Gerard when he speaks, "Screw off, Wentz."

Pete ignores Gerard's comment and rolls his eyes before shoving him towards the end of the table, making a spot for me. He grunts a quick "Fuck you too," before returning to his sandwich.

I slip into the space next to Pete and whisper a quick "thank you". He nods and turns his attention to Brendon and Ryan, across the table.

"So what scene did you guys get for theatre?" Pete asks them.

"Act 1, scene 3." Ryan tells us.

"It's so boring," Brendon complains, "and it's meant to have three characters. There's only two of us!"

Ryan says, "So Brendon is Lady Capulet and the nurse, and honestly it's really funny because they're supposed to converse in the scene, so he's just standing there talking to himself."

"I swear I'm not crazy," Brendon says.

I laugh at his comment. At that moment, Brendon notices that I'm sitting at his table. My heart races. "Patrick, hey! What's up?"

I flash a smile and say a quiet "hey" before looking down, suddenly feeling exposed.

That's about the only talking I do during lunch, aside from laughing at other people's comments. I feel quite insecure, considering I don't know many of these people very well, and they're all intimidating to me.

Pete tries to include me in the conversations, which I appreciate the fact that he's trying, but I only say a couple sentences before returning to my lunch.

Afterwards, Pete grabs my arm before we part ways to go to class. "Were you okay during lunch?" He asks, a concerned look on his face.

I smile. "Yep, all good. Just, you know, a different crowd than I'm used to."

"Sorry about that. We can sit at your table tomorrow, if you want." He suddenly blushes and corrects himself, "I-I mean, you can sit at your table. I don't have to sit with you."

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