twelve: golden

246 13 4

Walking home with Pete, I notice he does that thing where he stares at me when he thinks I'm not looking. I see him out of the corner of my eye licking his lips while staring at me.

I can't decide whether I'm flattered or creeped out.

I'd say slightly more flattered.

"Have you started memorizing your lines?" I ask him.

"Yep. I've almost got it down. You?"

I shrug. "I'm trying. I'm guessing it'll take another week and a half for me to be fully memorized though."

"Take your time," Pete tells me. "We've got another two and a half weeks before the final performance."

"Sure thing." I tell him.

I feel my phone buzz from my pocket. I pull it out to see a text from my mom.

Out with Travis. I won't be home when you come from school, just thought I'd let you know. Xoxo

I don't respond, just put my phone back in my pocket.

In the final few minutes before we arrive at my house, there's a tension between me and Pete. We don't speak much. Pete continues to lick his lips. I know I'm being watched, and I like it.

My heart starts to pound as I unlock the front door. Pete quietly steps in, and so do I.

The second my front door shuts with a soft "click", I grab Pete by the collar of his shirt and throw him against the wall, colliding his lips with mine. He lets out a surprised muffle then leans in to the kiss.

"Wait," he says and draws back. "Your mom-"

"She's not home," I tell him as I plant kisses on his neck and collarbone.

He grabs me by the hips and spins me around, then plants his lips on mine. I find myself in the position that Pete was in only moments ago; but I don't let him dominate me. I bite his lip. Hard.

"Jesus, Patrick," Pete moans in my mouth.

The pure static electricity between us isn't enough for me. The music starts playing in my ears, and I want him even more.

I rip his shirt off of him and toss it on the ground, then back him up and throw him on the couch. He looks at me with wild eyes. I straddle his hips and run my hands through his hair before connecting out lips again. One of his hands connects with the nape of my neck, and the other travels down my butt, earning a loud moan from me.

This feels so right. This is so right. I wonder why I didn't feel this way years ago. What's changed? Probably the fact that Pete's shoulders have broadened, his stomach matured to a smooth, hard surface, his arms protruding with muscles. It's irresistible.

We stay like at for some time; I can't tell if it's minutes or hours considering that time seems to freeze when we're touching. The only thing that matters in this moment is the soft music playing in my ears to match the intense energy that's just pulsating off of us.

But suddenly, I'm thinking about Travis... His blonde buzz cut and hardened eyes have been burned into my memory since the first time he hit me.

The thought of him coming back into my life causes my muscles to tense up. It can't happen. I can't do it again. This can't happen again. What if this time, he ends up hitting my mother? What if he drinks to much and he sends one of us to the hospital? What if he lets my mom have ten, twenty beers in a night, and he doesn't even care when she dies from alcohol poisoning?

Peterick//More Than You Bargained ForWhere stories live. Discover now