nine: pause

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Once Sunday comes around, I can't help but feel excited that Pete's coming over. However, its nothing more than the fact that my day won't be boring, as it usually is.

Nothing more.

Before Pete comes over, I clean my room by shoving things under my bed and in my closet. I don't feel like actually cleaning it.

Once satisfied, I figure out what to wear. I settle on a pair of black skinny jeans and a blue striped shirt.

Realizing that I never asked my mom if Pete could come over, i trot down the stairs and into the living room. She's sprawled on the couch, watching tv.

"Hey, mom?" I ask timidly.

She paused the tv and looks at me expectantly.

"Could Pete come over today?"

She raises her eyebrows. "I never got to ask why he was over the other day. You guys are friends again?"

I nod, and add, "We're paired together for a scene in drama, and all rehearsal time is out of class."

She smiles. "Well, I'm glad. Pete was always such a gentleman. He can come over any time, honey."

I say a quick thank you and run back upstairs and to the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror, i realize that my hair is a big, lifeless flop.

I grab some hair gel and run some of it through my hair. Much better.

Right then, I hear a knock on the door. I run downstairs to see my mom had opened the door for Pete. They were having some small talk. I smile at them, then motion for Pete to follow me upstairs.

"Actually," he says to me, "I was wondering if we could go to the park instead? It's a beautiful day."

"Yeah sure. Let's go," I tell him. We walk out the door together and I wave my mother goodbye.

"Sorry about my mom." I say to Pete on our way. "She can be annoying."

"No, it's okay," He reassures me, "I love talking with your mom. I'm all good."


"So how has your mom been doing, you know.. since the other day?" Pete asks.

"I'm not sure," I respond, "I haven't talked to her much between her being glued to texting Travis and me being out of the house."

"Who's Travis?"

I tense up. I can tell Pete noticed.

Oh shit. I really don't feel like talking about Travis right now. Pete shouldn't know.

"Nobody important." I attempt to backpedal, "So, how have you been?"

"That was a subtle subject change," Pete says, "Who's Travis?"

He saw right through me, didn't he?

"Nobody." I affirm.

He puts his hands up in defense. "Fair enough. And to answer your question, I've been okay. A little irritated lately since I have a couple relatives living with us."

"Why's that?" I ask, letting out a deep breath since he isn't grilling me to find out who Travis is.

"Well, my grandpa and grandpa just sold their house for extra money, but they haven't bought a new house to live in yet. So they're staying with us for a few weeks until their purchase comes through on their new house."

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