three: k.

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As I trudge home from school, I unpocket my phone and see a text on the screen.

Unknown Number
Hey, it's pete. Text me back if smith said no (which I assume she did).

I slide out the keyboard and type out,

It was a no-go. Looks like I'm stuck with you.

I hesitate before sending the text. Maybe I'm being slightly petty considering it happened 2 years ago, but I know how to hold a grudge.

I should probably explain what happened.

2 years ago, during freshman year, me and Pete Wentz were going for the same guy- Brendon Urie.

Back then, me and Pete were best friends. And both us knew how much the other liked Brendon.

A day before the incident, Pete and I were talking. I was feeling a little competitive, so I began to brag about how Brendon had been texting me more than Pete.

Pete got pissed off and said, "All you can ever talk about is Brendon. Care to take a break for once?"

I rolled my eyes and replied, "You're just jealous that he likes me more than you."

"Fine. Take him. Date him. What do i matter?" Pete spat.

I shrugged. Pete got up and walked out of my room. I heard my front door slam close.

In my mind, I was ecstatic. Brendon Urie all to myself? Thank god.

I planned to ask him out in three days.

However, the next day during lunch, I noticed that Pete and Brendon were sitting kind of close. I squinted at them.

When Pete saw me looking, he gave me a quick wink, leaned over to Brendon, and kissed him on the lips.

I felt my jaw drop.

Brendon chucked and murmured to Pete, "Not here, babe."

I quickly came to realize that Pete and Brendon were together. As in, dating.

I stood up and glared at Pete. "You said I could have him." I hissed.

Brendon saw the smug look on Pete's face and looked at us in disbelief.

Before either could say anything, I walked away.

And ever since then, I've hated Pete Wentz.

After re-thinking about what happened, I send the text out of anger. How could he be so inconsiderate? Brendon was mine, not his.

A reply quickly comes back.

Thanks, I'm flattered.

I don't respond. I tuck my phone away and put my head down while I walk.

As I walk up to my house, I pull my keys out of my pocket and unhinge the lock from my front door.

I step inside to see my mom passed out on the couch, and my heart skips a beat. I scan the room, thankful to find that there's no alcohol anywhere. She drinks herself to sleep very often. I'm always worried that she could get alcohol poisoning and not wake up after passing out intoxicated. Or what if she pukes while sleeping and chokes on her own fluids? What if she hurts herself and I'm not there to help her?

I worry about her a lot.

I chuckle quietly when I see that she fell asleep with the TV remote in her hand, and delicately slide the remote out her hand and place it on the coffee table.

After climbing the stairs up to my room, I softly shut the door as to not wake my mom and lay on my bed.

I pull out my phone to check the time, and see a text from Pete.

We should probably figure out a rehearsal time. Does tomorrow after school work?

Tomorrow's a Friday, and a normal person would usually have plans with friends on Friday night, but considering I have 2 friends that's not the case.

I reply back,


After being friends with Pete Wentz for years, I know much much he hates "K."

I really hope it pisses him off.

I pull out my backpack and work on homework as I wait for a text back to see what Pete's reaction is.

yes I know how much Patrick is overreacting
It's funny
Btw my chapters average around 500 words, im gonna try to raise that by 100 words each chapter until I'm at about 1000 words/chapter.

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