Chapter 11:

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        Lauren's POV:

Ariana slipped her phone into her back pocket as she greeted me with an insincere smile. Her gaze then dropped to the small brunette next to me.

"I thought you went on a walk." Ariana tried to give a smile, it failed miserably and became more of a scowl as she confronted Camila.

"I did. I bumped into Lauren on the way home." The Cuban spluttered, her head tilting in my direction at the mention of my name.

Camila was trying to act innocent, even though Ariana isn't her girlfriend anymore.  I was trying to act like Camila and I weren't just on a date, and I didn't know why.

"You were both just on a walk at this time of night?" Ariana gave a nonchalant chuckle.

"Well, I just needed fresh air. I saw Camila and when she said she was going home I thought I'd walk her considering it's so late." I looked over at Camila as I spoke and she looked right back at me like a deer in headlights. I wanted to drape my arm around her waist but after the things I'd learnt about Ariana, I caught myself feeling nauseous in her presence. My excuse was inferior but I felt the need to jump in on Ariana's confrontation.

"I could have met you, Camila." Ariana replied. Camila's entire persona had changed, she seemed utterly terrified - like she was seeing something in Ariana that I wasn't. That was when my instincts kicked in.

"Camila actually agreed to stay at my place tonight."

Both their heads snapped to look at me.

"Why?" Ariana's voice came out as a growl after a few seconds of silence.

"Just because I haven't really been feeling myself." I mumbled, looking down at my feet afterwards. I hated the fact that I was actually justifying myself to this girl rather than just saying "because you're fucking insane and she isn't your girlfriend anymore". The lack of communication now was deafening but I refused to look up.

"Are you coming, Camila?" I heard Ariana speak up, the tone of her voice had now took on just showed how manipulative she could actually be. A moments later, I felt Camila's presence leaving my side. I was not willing to let her go over, not after everything Ariana had done to her. Not after the mental and physical scars she had caused her. All this pent up anger I was feeling for Camila's ex was turning to adrenaline.

"No." I felt myself launch forward and grab Camila back by her arm, her brown eyes filled with fear as she turned to look at me once I had her in my grip.

My eyes shot up to Ariana who was suddenly taking a large step forward and pulling Camila by her other arm so the helpless Cuban now looked like a human ragdoll. Camila's petite frame couldn't handle it and she eventually fell to the floor due to my mine and Ariana's consistent pulling.

"I'm going with Lauren." She whimpered as she got up off the cobbled floor. I picked up her beanie that she had lost on her tumble.

Looking up at Ariana after hearing what Camila had said, I waited to see if she would pounce again and I consciously clenched my fists. Her eyes had a hint of sadness for a moment; but they soon went blank after she saw me glaring at her. She tilted her chin upwards in order to gain some lost sense of pride.

Camila fell into my arms and I caught her, grabbing her face with my hands to make sure she was okay. Her cheeks were wet with tears and her mascara had started to run down her face. Still, she managed to give me a nod in reply to my nonverbal question.

We were both taken aback when Ariana released a bitter laugh, giving me the once over which I instantly shot back. Before I knew it, Ariana was revving the engine of her black Audi TT; the bright lights of the sports car shining onto my face as I inadvertently raised my hand to block it from Camila and I. It didn't stop me from seeing the sly smirk that had formed on the drivers face. The Audi sped towards us and I almost fell on top of Camila trying to move us out the way in such a hurry – the car then took a sharp left turn and disappeared into the night.

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