Chapter 36:

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Camila's POV:

"Can I just get a black coffee, please?" Harry asked and Shay obliged. He was stood right next to me and I knew that if I didn't speak up and he noticed me, it would be awkward.


"Hey." I looked up at him momentarily and saw his eyes widen a little once he recognised me.

"Hey!" He laughed and put his arm around me in a sort-of hug. "How are you?" This wasn't just awkward because he was the main cause of mine and Lauren's breakup, it was awkward because I had completely cut him off afterwards; deleted his number, unfollowed off every social media account I owned - that kind of thing.

"I'm doing well. How are you?" Making small-talk with Harry was not how I imagined my day to go at all, especially not when he sat himself down next to me and I realised that he had come here to grab a coffee alone.

I internally rolled my eyes when the dark-haired male slipped off his coat and put it over his knee.  He went on and on about the two girls that had fucked him over in the space of a month and shared some gossip about Paloma and Gigi which I did not see coming.

"Do you still talk to Paloma?" Harry asked, sipping on his black coffee.

"I hear from her once or twice a week; but we don't talk everyday anymore." The reason for that was just because I realised she wasn't into the same things as me. We got along but I preferred coffee-outings and slumber parties in onesies; all she ever wanted to do was go out drinking. Plus, me staying close with Paloma would mean having to stay in touch with Harry considering they had the same friendship group and were basically best friends.

I was confused to see Harry giving me a sad smile before staring down into his coffee cup. Furrowing my eyebrows, I put my hand on his shoulder to get his attention. "Are you okay?"

"We just miss you a lot. Paloma and I." He informed me and I suddenly felt guilty. Cutting them off was not something I necessarily wanted to do but it was something that needed to happen at that moment in time.

"I miss you guys too." I said, giving him a warm smile before the door of the cafe opened again.

The both of us turned and I felt breathless when I saw my girlfriend standing in the doorway with her suitcases and gym bag. She looked astonishingly beautiful considering she had just been on a long haul flight. Her hair was down and messy, even her eye make-up being slightly smudged as she stood in her skinny jeans and oversized sweatshirt.

Eyeing her up intently, I made note of all the details on her face which I hadn't seen in ten days. She had more freckles on her nose than I remembered and her hair seemed lighter, which I had noticed when I visited – her eyes were still the same piercing green they had always been.

It took me a minute to realise my hand was still on Harry's shoulder and I immediately took it off the male, my eyes never leaving the dark-haired woman in front of me. She had an unreadable expression on her face as she looked at Harry and then back at me; it wasn't until then I realised how bad this may have seemed.

Ignoring the situation for a moment, I got up from my seat and made my way over to my girlfriend who dropped her suitcase and bag so she could lift me into the tightest cuddle she had ever given me.

We both erupted into gentle laughter as she spun me around and I'd never felt this much happiness. It felt as though I had electricity racing through my veins as I squeezed her, closing my eyes to savour the moment.

Lauren's POV:

Seeing Harry sat next to my girlfriend in my second-home (Starbucks) was not what I was expecting to come back to. I spun Camila around one last time before settling her back on the floor and allowing her to capture me in the gentlest yet passionate kiss.

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