Chapter 23:

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Lauren's POV:

I rolled over to grab my phone after lying awake for 5 minutes. I checked the date just to confirm that it was March 3rd and today was Camila's 23rd birthday. She stayed at her parent's house and the plan was for me to go over around noon. I was excited to give my girlfriend her gift but the thought of meeting her immediate family for the first time was unnerving. I couldn't let the thought put me off and decided to just go and take a shower considering it was already 10:30.

No amount of hot water, kisses, sex, massages etc was relieving me of this pressure I had been feeling since late October. I knew it was because of work but I'd roamed the internet with Ally numerous times and couldn't find any occupations in Miami that seemed appealing to me and because of that I'd stuck with this job that was doing nothing for me anymore. Camila was still unaware of the whole thing because I didn't want to bore her with the details and worry her for no reason because I thought everything was going to be fine.


"What're you doing? Come in." Camila whispered to me when I was stood outside her family home on the porch step. She looked breathtakingly beautiful attired in her all black outfit. I was glad the gathering had turned out to be casual because I was only wearing a dark grey jumper dress.

"I'm scared." I whispered back, holding tightly onto the gift bag which had my girlfriend's presents in.

"Lauren, they're going to be wondering where we are. They're really excited to meet you." Camila offered her hand out to me and quirked her eyebrow. Sighing, I let her take my hand and I mentally prepared myself for what was to come.

The Cabello's were sat patiently on one big sofa, Camila's father in between Pamela and Sofia. "You guys – this is my girlfriend Lauren." The Cuban stated with no shame or hesitance whatsoever as she stood away from me a little just so she could gesture towards me like I was a prize. I stood awkwardly and gave a small wave (I gave a mental note to slap myself for that later on). Wide smiles spread across their faces and I was suddenly being embraced by 3 warm bodies.

"We are so happy to meet you!" A male voice mumbled into my hair. I couldn't hide a smile and happily allowed myself to be cuddled by the family. When the hug ended, Camila joined my side again and introduced me properly – telling me that her father was called Alejandro, her step mother was named Pamela (which I already knew) and the youngster on the end was her 11-year-old sister, Sofia.

As the day progressed, the Cabello's went into the kitchen to plate dinner and to prepare Camila's cake. I saw this as the perfect time to give my girlfriend her presents. "Alright, are you ready for your presents?"

Camila looked at the bag and then back up at me. "I told you not to get me anything." She seemed concerned for a moment but I placed my hand over hers in comfort.

"I wasn't going to turn up to your birthday with no gifts. Now, hold out your hand and close your eyes – and your mouth." I chuckled and so she did before obeying. I pulled out the first gift, which was a Swarovski 'era journey' watch (whatever that meant) in black. Camila had been dropping hints to all her friends that she wanted a watch. I messaged them all and told them that I'd gotten her one...a $279.00 one. When the Cuban opened up her eyes, I saw her gulp at the black 'Swarovski' printed box because everyone knows that brand isn't cheap – which was another reason I wanted her family out the room before I gave it to her. Camila opened up the box and her petite hand immediately clasped her mouth at the sight.

"Are you kidding me?" She laughed, putting her head in her hands before wrapping her arms around me tightly. "Lauren, you really didn't have to do that! That's so fucking expensive." Camila exclaimed as she pulled away, whispering the last part which I was thankful for.

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